Flipnote Studio

Flipnote Studio
System Nintendo DS (DSiWare)
Developer Nintendo, Hatena
Genre Art Utility
Series Flipnote Studio Series

A free downloadable application for DSiWare. Flipnote Studio is a notebook, drawing and sound recording utility that allows the user to create flipbook style animations and share them online.

You start with a blank sheet of paper, and can access drawing tools such as the pencil, paintbrush and eraser. Additional options are available for layering, shrinking and enlarging, copying and pasting, tracing over images and creating masks. Photos and sounds can be imported from the DSi Camera and Sound utilities.

Flipnotes can be shared locally or uploaded to "Flipnote Hatena", an online Flipnote gallery.

Release Information

Region Name Release
Japan うごくメモ帳 Ugoku Memo Chō 24 Dec 2008
US Flipnote Studio 12 Aug 2009
Europe Flipnote Studio 14 Aug 2009