Major League Baseball featuring Ken Griffey Jr.

Major League Baseball featuring Ken Griffey Jr.
System Nintendo 64
Developer Angel Studios
Genre Baseball
Series Baseball Series

A baseball game for the N64, fronted by baseball star Ken Griffey Jr.

As the batting team you must hit the ball as far as you can without receiving three strikes for missing, and then run around the infield without being caught out.

The pitching team must throw the ball so the batter misses, or if the ball is hit must be collected by a fielder in the outfield and thrown back to catch players out or end the run. The teams switch halfway through.

Release Information

Region Name Release
US Major League Baseball featuring Ken Griffey Jr. 25 May 1998


Developer Teams

Screenshot required

Highlight Exhibition on the Main Menu, and quickly tap all four of the C Buttons until a tone sounds. Enter Exhibition of World Series and you will have access to the Nintendo and Angel Studios teams.

Submitted by Fryguy64

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