Tsūshin Taikyoku: Hayasashi Shōgi Sandan

Tsūshin Taikyoku: Hayasashi Shōgi Sandan
System Wii (WiiWare)
Developer Nintendo
Genre Tabletop Game

A shogi game that can be played with just the Wii Remote. Players alternate moving pieces across the board to capture the opponent's Oushou (King General) piece.

If you don't know how to play, the game comes with a tutorial that will run you through the rules and movement of the pieces. There is also a puzzle mode where you are issued challenges to capture the Oushou in a set number of moves.

You can play against other players online and save completed games to play back later.

Release Information

Region Name Release
Japan 通信対局 早指将棋三段 Tsūshin Taikyoku: Hayasashi Shōgi Sandan 23 Jul 2008