Nintendo 3DS Sound

Nintendo 3DS Sound
System Nintendo 3DS (Pre-Loaded)
Developer Nintendo
Genre Utility (Sound Recording)

Record and edit sounds, or play AAC music files from an SD Card in Nintendo 3DS Sound.

Creating and editing sound files is simple, with sliders to change the speed and pitch and a selection of filters available.

Adding music to the SD Card opens up the ability to play music. Alongside basic playback, you can also change the speed and pitch, try out different filters and visualisers, or tap the L and R buttons to add beats to the music.

The help budgie is on hand to explain all of the options to you.

Release Information

Region Name Release
Japan ニンテンドー3DSサウンド Nintendo 3DS Sound 26 Feb 2011
Europe Nintendo 3DS Sound 25 Mar 2011
US Nintendo 3DS Sound 27 Mar 2011



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When listening to music files on the SD Card, you can change the visualiser that appears on the top screen. Several of these reference Nintendo games:

  • Excitebike

    Excitebikes from the Excitebike series ride up and down on jumps that are generated by the music.

  • Play-Yan

    The Play-Yan Man jumps up an endless staircase. Play-Yan was an MP3 player released for the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS in Japan, and the Play-Yan Man was one of the visualisers. The European release, renamed the Nintendo MP3 Player, didn't feature Play-Yan Man.

  • Game & Watch Soccer

    A little LCD-style man bounces a ball on his head while the music plays. This is based on the graphics styles of the Game & Watch series. You can play the game by using the Circle Pad to move the character and catch the ball.

While listening to music you can also press the L & R Buttons to play different sound effects. You can scroll through different sets, and one set is the Coin and Jump sound effects from Super Mario Bros., and represented by 8-bit sprites.

Submitted by MEGAߥTE, Fryguy64

8-bit Game Style

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When listening to music files on the SD Card, you can add sound filters to the track to change how they sound as they play. One is the 8-bit Game, represented by a Famicom/NES controller, and it plays back the song using FC/NES sound effects.

Submitted by Fryguy64

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