General Information & Getting Started

Title Screen

Whether you want to play through Yuuyuuki yourself, or if you simply want to follow the plot, this guide has been written for you. Instructions are provided in on-screen hiragana for players, and English to help understand the actions. Important plot points are also provided in English.

Emulation Issues

Anybody attempting to play this game today is likely to be using an emulator, thanks to its lack of availability outside of Japan, and with no rereleases available.

If you are emulating, it is worth noting that the Yuuyuuki ROM in circulation suffers corrupt graphics in most emulators in Chapter 3 and Chapter 8. While the game is still playable with corrupt graphics, it does damage the experience, and makes it difficult to follow. However, this corruption does not occur when playing on the NNNesterJ emulator. This emulator is recommended for playing Yuuyuuki.

Swapping Disks

Occasionally you will be prompted to swap disks on the Famicom Disk System (if using an emulator, there will be options to Eject and choose a disk side). If the game shows an instruction and refuses to go anywhere, you may have to swap disk sides.

Note that you load the game on Disk 1 Side A, but the first three chapters are on Disk 1 Side B. Thankfully, unlike Shin Onigashima, you don't have to swap back to Disk 1 Side A at the end of every chapter.

Chapter 1

Chao at home with a romance novel.

Mr. Ittai, the narrator from Shin Onigashima will introduce you to a girl, one of the heroes of this story.

  • Input the name of the girl using the text pad. Press START without writing anything and her default name (Chao) will be automatically entered and selected. For the purposes of this guide, the name Chao is used throughout.

You are introduced to Chao's home, and as night falls she goes up to her bedroom to read a romance novel.

  • (Look at) (Table)
  • (Look at) (Book)
  • (Look at) (Window)

A monkey appears from the meteorite.

Chao sees a falling star out of the window, but it crashes into the forest, lighting up the night sky. Chao rushes out to extinguish the fire and investigate.

  • (Move) (Outside)
  • (Move) (West)
  • (Pick up) (Water)
  • (Move) (Back)
  • (Move) (North)
  • (Use) (Water)

As Chao pours water over the meteorite, it cracks open and a monkey leaps out of the rock. Chao hides, but quickly gets up the courage to approach the monkey and speak to him. The monkey understands, but can only answer in grunts.

  • Input the name of the monkey using the text pad. Press START without writing anything and his default name (Goku) will be automatically entered and selected. For the purposes of this guide, the name Goku is used throughout.

Goku and Chao make friends.

Chao befriends Goku and shows him around her home. She dresses him and the two of them sit down to eat.

  • (Talk) (Goku)
  • (Change Character)
  • (Eat) (Food)
  • (Move) (Outside)
  • (Move) (West)
  • (Pick up) (Water)
  • (Move) (Back)

Goku wants some water with his meal, so Chao tells him to go out to the fountain and get some after the meal. He does so, but then he sees something shining in the forest where his meteorite landed.

  • (Move) (North)
  • (Look at) (Meteorite)
  • (Pick up) (Peach)
  • (Eat) (Peach)

Oshakasama scolds Goku in heaven. Goku remembers his awful past.

Just as Goku is about to eat the peach, a soldier appears and says something Goku doesn't understand before disappearing. Chao comes out to ask Goku what happened when the sky lights up and Goku is picked up and carried into the heavens by the god Oshakasama. The god is furious and imprisons Goku in a stone prison.

  • (Look at) (Peach)
  • (Think)
  • (Remember)
  • (Remember)
  • (Eat)

Unable to remember anything on his own, Goku eats the peach. He suddenly remembers how to speak, but also remembers his past. Long ago, Goku was the Monkey King, and together with Gyumao the Bull Demon he nearly brought about the end of the world. Oshakasama sealed them both in rocks and banished them into space, but both have now returned. If Goku wants to be free, he will have to find Gyumao and destroy him.

Oshakasama gives Chao an important quest.

Having seen her new friend carried away, Chao looks to the heavens.

  • (Look at) (Heaven)
  • (Talk) (God)
  • (Talk) (Oshakasama)

The great Oshakasama speaks to Chao, and sends her on a mission to the Village of Women where she will acquire the Mallet of Light.

Chapter 2

Demons attack the city. Sanzo comes across a prison in the desert.

Gyumao's demons are laying waste to the city. Sanzo the priest escapes on his scooter and decides to travel west to India. Unfortunately, the way to the next village is across the scorching desert.

  • (Look at) (Surroundings)
  • (Move) (North)
  • (Look at) (Fountain)
  • (Look at) (Floating object)
  • (Pick up) (Canteen)
  • (Pick up) (Water)
  • (Move) (South)
  • (Move) (West)
  • (Use) (Canteen)
  • (Move) (West)

As he travels across the desert, Sanzo comes across a stone prison with a monkey looking out from a window.

  • (Look at)
  • (Don't Look)
  • (Ignore)

After ignoring the monkey, it throws a rock at Sanzo, causing him to fall off his scooter.

  • (Talk) (Monkey)
  • (Talk) (Monkey)
  • (Look at) (Rock)
  • (Read) (Inscription)

By reading the inscription on the prison's rock wall, the seal is broken and Goku breaks free.

  • (Talk) (Monkey)
  • (Regret)

Goku gives chase to his new charge.

The sky lights up and Oshakasama speaks to Sanzo. He is to make this monkey his apprentice and take him with him on his journey to India. The god gives Sanzo a golden headband and an imprisoning spell that can be used to control Goku.

  • (Talk) (Oshakasama)
  • (Talk) (Goku)
  • (Change Character) (Goku)
  • (Talk) (Sanzo) (Listen)
  • (Hit) (Sanzo)

Sanzo fits the headband onto Goku's head. All Sanzo has to do is utter the imprisoning spell if Goku steps out of line and he will be incapacitated. They test it by having Goku hit Sanzo, and it works. Sanzo speeds off on his scooter, and Goku gives chase.

  • (Follow)
  • (Talk) (Sanzo)
  • (Talk) (Sanzo)
  • (Move)
  • (Look at) (Sun)

When Goku looks into the sun, he sees that she is in the Village of Women. He decides they must find this village and reunite with her.

  • (Change Character) (Sanzo)
  • (Look at) (Desert)
  • (Move)

The proprieter cooks up something delicious.

Sanzo and an exhausted and hungry Goku arrive at a small village on the other side of the desert.

  • (Look at) (Village)
  • (Move) (House on the right)
  • (Talk) (House owners)
  • (Move) (Back)
  • (Move) (House on the left)
  • (Talk) (House owners)
  • (Move) (Back)
  • (Move) (Shop)

Having received no response from the other houses in the village, Sanzo and Goku arrive at a restaurant. The proprieter is a large pig.

  • (Talk) (Proprieter) (About the Village)
  • (Talk) (Proprieter) (Next Village)
  • (Talk) (Proprieter)
  • (Look at) (Menu)
  • (Pick up) any option except (Sweet & Sour Pork)
  • (Order Another)
  • (Pick up) any option except the first choice or (Sweet & Sour Pork)
  • (Place Order)
  • (Talk) (Goku)
  • (Eat) all but one of the items of food you purchased
  • (Talk) (Proprieter)
  • (Change Character) (Goku)
  • (Talk) (Proprieter)

Goku unleashes his staff on the pig demon.

While the food is good, the prices are nothing less than crooked extortion! The proprieter isn't a restaurant owner but a con artist pig demon. Goku and the pig come to blows on the roof of the restaurant.

  • Action Scene: The pig demon swoops around at the top of the screen and occasionally dives down. When he dives across the middle of the screen, hit him across the face with Goku's staff. Hit him three times and he will transform into a tiny child, just out of reach. Swing your staff 10 times (you won't be able to hit him) to change the scene.

From the ground, Sanzo and a group of onlookers watch the fight.

  • (Look at) (Onlookers)
  • (Talk) (Onlookers)
  • (Use) (Imprisoning Spell)

The onlookers cry out for someone to stop Goku from fighting the child. Sanzo, in a panic, casts the imprisoning spell, knocking Goku from the rooftop and landing on his head.

Goku uncovers the pig demon's deception.

When Goku regains consciousness, he and Sanzo are running from the village. Behind Goku's back, Sanzo reveals himself to be the shapeshifting pig demon.

  • (Talk) (Sanzo)
  • (Talk) (Sanzo)
  • (Change Character) (Sanzo)

Goku is suspicious of Sanzo - something doesn't seem right. The real Sanzo is unable to see anything and is unable to move.

  • (Use) (Imprisoning Spell)
  • (Change Character) (Goku)
  • (Look at) (Sanzo)
  • (Hit)

The real Sanzo is trapped in complete darkness. He tries the imprisoning spell but it doesn't work. Goku swings around and hits the pig demon with his staff, who is unable to stop him.

  • (Who?!)

Hakkai the pig demon joins the journey to the West.

The pig demon reveals his name to be Hakkai. He agrees to show Goku where the real Sanzo is if he can travel with them to India. They return to the restaurant and free Sanzo from the bag he was tied up in. Sanzo agrees to take Hakkai along.

  • (A good idea)

With Sanzo's approval, Hakkai joins the group and the chapter ends.

Chapter 3

A thick fog descends on the mountain.

Goku, Sanzo and Hakkai are climbing a mountain on their way to the Village of Women. Hakkai is trailing behind the others at a leisurely pace.

  • (Move) (Rest)
  • (Move) (Climb)
  • (Move) (Rest)
  • (Look at) (Surroundings)
  • (Change Character) (Hakkai)
  • (Move) (Climb)
  • (Look at) (Mountain)

Once Hakkai catches up to the others, a dense fog descends on them. They can barely make each other out.

  • (Change Character) (Sanzo)
  • (Move) (Climb)
  • (Talk) (Goku)
  • (Talk) (Hakkai)
  • (Talk) (Goku) or (Hakkai)
  • (Change Character) (Goku) or (Hakkai)
  • (Join Hands)
  • (Move) (Climb)

The three strange pandas.

After holding each others' hands and continuing the climb, they reach a bamboo forest where they meet three cute pandas that seem to be speaking nonsense.

  • (Move) (Forward Inside)
  • (Change Character) (Sanzo)
  • (Talk) (Panda)
  • (Talk) (Panda)
  • (Understand)
  • (Talk) (Panda)
  • (Understand)
  • (Talk) (Panda)
  • (Understand Completely)
  • (Change Character) (Hakkai)
  • (Use) (Ability) (Clairvoyance)
  • Search the block 3 from the top and 3 from the left
  • (Move) (Hole)

Using the clues from the pandas, Hakkai uses his clairvoyance to uncover a secret hole hidden in the ground. The three heroes jump down the hole and find an underground village - the Village of Women.

  • (Look at) (Village)
  • (Look at) (House)
  • (Look at) (Chimney)
  • (Move) (Bath House)

There are no beautiful women in the bath house.

Inside the bath house, a kappa attendant sits. A curtain to the baths can be seen, piquing Sanzo's interest.

  • (Look at) (Surroundings)
  • (Look at) (Attendant's Booth)
  • (Change Character) (Sanzo)
  • (Open) (Curtain)
  • (Open) (Curtain)
  • (Take a Peek)

The scene before Sanzo is not of beautiful young women, but old, undressed women.

  • (Talk) (Man)
  • (Change Character) (Goku)
  • (Talk) (Man)
  • (Talk) (Man) (Question) きんかく (Kinkaku)
  • (Talk) (Man) (Question) ぎんかく (Ginkaku)
  • (Talk) (Man) (Question) ちゃお (Chao)
  • (Talk) (Sanzo)

The kappa attendant, Gojo, reveals that two demons named Kinkaku and Ginkaku have been terrorizing the village and kidnapped all of the young women, leaving only the old women behind. Goku believes Chao may be in danger and so Gojo agrees to take them to the castle.

  • (Move) (Castle)
  • (Move) (Inside the Castle)
  • (Change Character) (Hakkai)
  • (Talk) (Gojo)
  • (Move) (Forward)
  • (Change Character) (Goku)
  • (Talk) (Gojo)
  • (Talk) (Kinkaku)

Kinkaku and Ginkaku's quiz.

In the pitch-black castle, one of the demons answers back. The lights click on and a game show stage appears. If the prisoners want to beat Kinkaku and Ginkaku, they will have to answer their fairytale-related questions.

Note: You have to answer the questions quickly, or else you get the question wrong. If you get three wrong then that character is kicked out of the castle.

Goku's Questions

  • (Talk) (My Turn)
  1. Q. What animal took Thumbelina to a faraway land?
    A. (Swallow)
  2. Q. What did the little mermaid transform into when her dream was not fulfilled?
    A. (Light Spirit)
  3. Q. What is the day before yesterday's day after tomorrow?
    A. (Today)
  4. Q. Who carried the soul of the little match girl to heaven?
    A. (Grandmother)
  5. Q. The ugly duckling grew into a beautiful bird. What kind of bird?
    A. (Swan)

Sanzo's Questions

  • (Change Character) (Sanzo)
  • (Talk) (My Turn)
  1. Q. In the Emperor's New Clothes, who noticed the emperor was naked first?
    A. (Boy)
  2. Q. Who rescued Little Red Riding Hood from the wolf?
    A. (Hunter)
  3. Q. How many dwarves were friends to Snow White?
    A. (Seven)
  4. Q. What did Hansel and Gretel find in the woods?
    A. (Gingerbread House)
  5. Q. Who was the author of Cinderella?
    A. (Grimm)

Hakkai's Questions

  • (Change Character) (Hakkai)
  • (Talk) (My Turn)
  1. Q. In The Elves and the Shoemaker, what was given to the elves to thank them?
    A. (Clothes & Cake)
  2. Q. In the Wolf and the Seven Young Kids, where does the youngest goat hide?
    A. (Clock)
  3. Q. In Aesop's fable, who laughed at the ant working hard during the summer?
    A. (Grasshopper)
  4. Q. In The North Wind and the Sun, who won by making the traveller remove his cloak?
    A. (Sun)
  5. Q. After opening Pandora's Box, what was the last thing to come from it?
    A. (Hope)

Gojo gets the final question.

Gojo's Questions

  • (Change Character)

Gojo will be asked one question from three possible options, and the answer must be typed in manually into a text entry box.

Note: If you struggle with this section, one question begins with the hiragana for Sanzo and one begins with the hiragana for Goku. Look out for one or the other of these, and then input the relevant answer.

  • Q. What is the name of the town where Sanzo lived?
    A. (Choan)
  • Q. What is the name of the tallest character?
    A. (Oshakasama)
  • Q. What is the name of the prison where Goku was confined?
    A. (Gogyo)

After clearing the quiz, Kinkaku and Ginkaku refuse to give up, so Goku jumps in and fights them into submission.

Gojo the kappa joins the journey to the West.

The heroes return to the bath house in the village where the young women have been rescued.

  • (Talk) (Gojo)
  • (Change Character) (Hakkai)
  • (Talk) (Gojo)
  • (Open) (Curtain)

Behind the curtain is the old lady that Goku saw in his vision in the desert. She tells Goku that Chao has been to the village and received the Mallet of Light, but she left the village and is looking for Goku. The group leaves, closely followed by Gojo, unsatisfied with his job at the bath house.

Chao has found the gavel.

Meanwhile, Chao appears with the Gavel of Light in her hands as she continues searching for her friends.

Chapter 4

The travellers find a ship heading west.

The travellers continue on their journey west towards India.

  • (Move) (West)
  • (Change Character) (Sanzo)
  • (Talk) (Goku)
  • (Talk) (Hakkai)
  • (Change Character) (Hakkai)
  • (Use) (Ability) (Clairvoyance)
  • Move the cursor to the ship in the distance and press A
  • (Move) (North)

The captain is not fooled by Hakkai's tricks.

Hakkai uses his clairvoyance to find out that the ship is going to India, and that they should try and get on board.

  • (Change Character) (Sanzo)
  • (Talk) (Man)
  • (Talk) (Hakkai)
  • (Move) (West)
  • (Change Character) (Hakkai)
  • (Use) (Ability) (Transform) (Ticket)
  • (Move) (Drum)
  • (Use) (Ability) (Transform) (Ticket)
  • (Move) (Harbour)
  • (Use) (Ticket)

Because they have no money for a ticket, Hakkai tries to use his shapeshifting skills to transform into one. They offer the ticket to the captain, but the plan fails. He tells them to go to the gift shop and buy a ticket there.

The depressed shopkeeper.
  • (Move) (Harbour)
  • (Move) (East)
  • (Move) (Inside Shop)
  • (Talk) (Shopkeeper)
  • (Talk) (Shopkeeper)
  • (Change Character) (Gojo)
  • (Use) (Ability) (Mind Read) (Shopkeeper)
  • (Talk) (Sanzo)
  • (Change Character) (Sanzo)
  • (Listen) (Troubles)
  • (Listen) (Reason?)
  • (Trust)

The shopkeeper is worried, as he can't admit his feelings to a girl he likes who works at the docks. He doesn't seem interested in helping the heroes at all.

Sanzo meets Linlin.
  • (Move) (Behind the House)
  • (Talk) (Linlin)
  • (Talk) (Linlin)

Sanzo finds out what the girl thinks about the shopkeeper and decides to report it back to the shopkeeper.

The ship departs with the heroes on board.
  • (Move) (Gift Shop)
  • (Talk) (Shopkeeper)
  • Enter the words in the following order:
  • (Buy) (Ticket)
  • (Sell) (Scooter)
  • (Buy) (Ticket)

When the shopkeeper hears these words he suddenly becomes very energetic and helpful. Because the heroes still don't have any money they sell Sanzo's scooter in exchange for tickets to the ship. With the ticket in hand they climb on board and the ship sets sail west towards India.

Chapter 5

Kogaiji steals Sanzo's crown.

The heroes are safely on board the ship heading towards India.

  • (Change Character) (Sanzo)
  • (Look at) (People)
  • (Look at) (People)
  • (Talk) (Child)

The strange looking child suddenly appears and steals Sanzo's crown and disappears inside the ship.

  • (Change Character) (Goku)
  • (Talk) (Hakkai)
  • (Talk) (Gojo)

Goku, Hakkai and Gojo decide to split up to try and find the child.

Hakkai doesn't take searching seriously.
  • (Change Character) (Hakkai)
  • (Move) (Dining Room)
  • (Look at) (Surroundings)
  • (Move) (Kitchen)

Hakkai heads into the dining room and then the kitchen. When he comes out he is carrying a huge plate of food that he sits down to eat.

  • (Change Character) (Gojo)
  • (Move) (Engine Room)
  • (Look at) (Machine)
  • (Look at) (Engine)
  • (Move) (Engine)

Gojo investigates the engine but doesn't find anything.

  • (Change Character) (Goku)
  • (Move) (Helm)
  • (Look at) (Window)
  • (Look at) (Sailor)
  • (Talk) (Sailor)
  • (Talk) (Child)
  • (Hit) (Kogaiji)

Goku investigates the captain at the helm. He notices something odd, and when the wind blows through the window it knocks his hat off and reveals the crown. Goku tells the child the game is up, but the child introduces himself as Kogaiji, son of Gyumao the Bull Demon. He then escapes.

Goku finds the real Gojo unconscious.
  • (Change Character) (Sanzo)
  • (Change Character) (Hakkai)
  • (Change Character) (Gojo)
  • (Change Character) (Goku)
  • (Move) (Deck)
  • (Move) (Engine Room)
  • (Move) (Engine)
  • (Hit)

After being beaten out of the dining room by Hakkai, Kogaiji enters the engine room. When Goku chases him inside he sees only Gojo standing there. He looks for Kogaiji but instead finds the real Gojo knocked unconscious. He returns to the fake Kogaiji and hits him with his staff, forcing him to return Sanzo's crown.

Chao and Goku are reunited.

Once Sanzo's crown is returned to its rightful owner, the group moves into the ship's lounge for a relaxing drink. Sanzo spots a young girl playing the piano and decides to make a move.

  • (Change Character) (Sanzo)
  • (Look at) (Lounge)
  • (Look at) (Piano)
  • (Talk) (Girl)
  • (Change Character) (Goku)
  • (Look at) (Girl)

It turns out the young girl is Chao! The two are reunited again.

  • (Talk) (Chao)
  • (Talk) (Chao)
  • (Change Character) (Goku)
  • (Pick up) (Microphone)

Kogaiji takes the stage.

Kogaiji interrupts the moment by taking to the stage and singing an awful song. Goku snatches the microphone off him, causing Kogaiji to shoot backwards out of the side of the ship. Goku dives out of the hole and into the sea while the rest of the group are trapped inside.

  • (Change Character) to anyone except (Goku) or (Gojo)
  • Wait until water fills the room
  • (Change Character) (Gojo)
  • (Look at)
  • (Move)
  • (Escape)

Goku and Kogaiji battle under the sea.

The others escape out of the hole in the roof thanks to Gojo, and the scene switches back to Goku, who catches up to Kogaiji underwater.

  • (Fight)
  • Action Scene: Goku and Kogaiji turn into balls. Kogaiji bounces around off the sides of the screen, and you have to control the Goku ball with the Control Pad and hit him four times.

The ship sinks, Goku's friends are gone.

With the Kogaiji defeated, Goku returns to the surface and sees that the ship is sinking to the bottom of the ocean while a giant waterspout carries off his friends.

  • (Look at)
  • (Talk)
  • (Pick up)
  • (Brandish)
  • (Abandon)

Chao appears long enough to give Goku the Mallet of Light, but then she is also sucked into the waterspout. Goku decides to give chase and swims right into the centre of the swirling vortex.

End of Disk 1

Continue to Yuuyuuki Walkthrough: Disk 2

Press START on the title screen. The option to play the second disk will become available on the main menu. Eject the disk and insert Side B of Disk 2.