Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak
Game Boy Advance Cameos
Ham Swap Merchant
One of the characters you meet throughout the game is the Ham Swap merchant. If you refuse to buy from him he will knock the price down, sometimes by as much as 40 seeds. When he offers you this new discount price he will plead:
"Buy somethin', will ya?"

This phrase was first said by the merchants in The Legend of Zelda on NES, and has since appeared in many games.
Submitted by Fryguy64
The Legendary Spoon
During the game you collect three marbles, coloured red, green and blue. Once you retrieve the red marble, and the associated wedding has taken place, you can talk to the old hamster who tells you of a legend:
"If hamsters are born of might enough to get the red marble, then they are heroes of legend, and the reward will be the red marble. Doing so will help the heroes defeat the wicked one for good…"
Take the three marbles to the minecart at Sunny Peak. Oil and change the switch at the bottom of the hill and you will end up in a secret cave in the mountains. Head south to a room with a pedestal with three holes in it, and what appears to be the Master Sword from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
"Putput" the three orbs into the front and "Tuggie" on the sword. Dramatic music plays as you pull the sword from the stone to reveal that it is actually The Legendary Spoon.

Submitted by Fryguy64