Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Game Boy Advance Cameos
Fighter Fly

The Fighter Fly enemy was originally one of the enemies from the arcade Mario Bros.

The red, yellow and blue viruses from Dr. Mario appear as enemies in Hoohooniversity. When attacked, they roll around on the floor as they did when hit with Megavitamins in their original appearance.
Sniper Bill

The enemy Sniper Bill is armed with a Super Scope, the SNES light gun.
Submitted by TV Eye, nensondubois, Fryguy64. Screenshots by TV Eye
Donkey Kong References
Barrel Jumping
After defeating the Chuckola Cola, Luigi has to rescue Mario in an underground area. In this scenario, barrels roll down a tower of platforms, reminiscent of the arcade Donkey Kong.

On the S.S. Chuckola you have to play a barrel minigame hosted by a skeleton gorilla named Bink (Japanese name Binky) who is modelled after Donkey Kong.

Submitted by warchicken, GameHiker, TV Eye, The Qu, Grandy02, screenshots by TV Eye
Tomato Adventure References
Tomato Adventure was a Japan only Game Boy Advance RPG developed by Alphadream, the developers of Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.
Hermie III
One of the boss battles is against a hermit crab decorated like a Christmas tree named Hermie III. He is based on the Hermie enemies from Tomato Adventure, who were also decorated hermit crabs.

During the battle, Sidesteppers from Mario Bros. also appear.
Unused Tomato Adventure Music
A number of songs from Tomato Adventure were discovered in the Mario & Luigi soundtrack. None of the music can be heard in-game.
Submitted by Parrothead, screenshot by TV Eye
Mushroomtop Village Arcade
When you reach Mushroomtop Village, you must head to the arcade and play a bar-tilting game before you can do anything else. The instructions are read to you by a small model of Geno, one of Mario's companions from Super Mario RPG (SNES).

When you click Help in the Item Spill game, the help screen shows a copyright to "WIN-tendo", referencing Nintendo.

Submitted by Fryguy64, TV Eye, screenshots by TV Eye
Hoohooniversity Block Museum
In Hoohooniversity, there is a Block Museum, with blocks on display from Super Mario Bros., Super Mario World, Super Mario 64 and Paper Mario.

Submitted by TV Eye, nensondubois, screenshot by TV Eye
Sledge Bros. House
On your travels to the Beanbean Kingdom you come across a jumping game against the Sledge Bros. The background of the gatehouse shows an 8-bit style flagpole and castle scene from Super Mario Bros.

The flag rises up the flagpole during the skipping game.
Submitted by Fryguy64, screenshot by TV Eye
Now You're Playing With Power
When the Hammerhead Bros. give you your first Hammer, they say:
"Look at that craftsmanship! POW! Now you're playin' with power!"

"Now You're Playing With Power" was the Nintendo of America advertising slogan used for the NES, SNES and Game Boy.
Submitted by Xeno82, YoungLink, Wanderingshadow, TV Eye, screenshot by TV Eye
Yoshi Theater Posters
In the Yoshi Theater there are four posters on the wall showing several Nintendo characters.

From left to right:
- "Kirby Story"
- "Wario" (Japanese artwork for Warioware, Inc.: Mega Microgames)
- "M&L" (Japanese logo for Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga)
- "Legend of Stafy" (Legendary Starfy Series)
Submitted by Fryguy64, screenshot by TV Eye
Boddle's Egg Shot
Outside of the Yoshi Theater, Boddle transforms himself into an egg and aims himself using the cursor from Yoshi's Island.

This could also be referencing Yoshi's Story, where Yoshi could turn himself into an egg and shoot himself across the stage.
Submitted by TV Eye, screenshot by TV Eye
Popple Battle
During the battles against Shadow Thief Popple (and his apprentice Bowser), the music includes portions of the final Bowser battle theme from Super Mario Sunshine.

Submitted by Flip, screenshot by TV Eye
Game Boy Advance
Bowletta communicates with Mario and Luigi using a holographic transmission device shaped like a Game Boy Advance.

Submitted by TV Eye, screenshot by TV Eye
Birdo's Quote
If you defeat Popple first during the battle with Popple and Birdo, Birdo will say:
"You may have defeated my darling, but that's as far as you go!"

In Super Mario Advance, when you approached Birdo she would say "That's as far as you go!" in speech.
Submitted by TV Eye, screenshot by TV Eye
The hospital in Little Fungitown is shaped like a castle from Super Mario Bros., and has a flagpole outside.

If Mario or Luigi jump on the flagpole, they slide down it and jump off, also referencing Super Mario Bros.
Submitted by TV Eye, screenshot by TV Eye
Larry's Tennis Racket
The Koopa Kids each use attacks based on their earlier appearances, except for Larry, who attacks with a tennis racket. One theory behind this is that his name is spelled the same as "Rally" in Japan.

The tennis racket he uses is the same as Bowser's racket in Mario Tennis.
Submitted by TV Eye, screenshot by TV Eye
Fake Bowser
In Bowser's castle, you find a fake Bowser hanging from the ceiling over a bridge. Touch the axe to break the bridge and Bowser falls into the lava.

This is based on the Bowser battles in Super Mario Bros.
Submitted by TV Eye, screenshot by TV Eye
Starbeans Café
Whenever you buy a drink from the Starbeans café, Professor E. Gadd from Luigi's Mansion appears. After a short scene, he awards you with an item:

- Greed Wallet (reference to Wario)
- Bonus Ring (from the Star Fox series)
- Excite Spring (reference to Excitebike)
- Great Force (Triforce from The Legend of Zelda series)
- Power Grip
- Cobalt Necktie
- Game Boy Horror SP (a Game Boy Advance SP)
During various scenes, E. Gadd appear in a Game Boy Horror, ghosts from Luigi's Mansion appear, and E. Gadd rides in on an improved Poltergust 3001.
However, there is more to this story than meets the eye. See below for more details.
Submitted by TV Eye, Dasher Misire, screenshot by |N|NjA|
The Lost Starbeans Cameos
While in the final game you only meet E. Gadd in the Starbeans Café, originally the intention was to meet a different guest character each time you bought a drink, and each time they would reward you with a different accessory.
The data for the original characters is still in the game, including sprites of the characters and accessories, as well as transcripts of the original conversations.
Professor E. Gadd
After buying the Woohoo Blend, Professor E. Gadd from Luigi's Mansion appears and gives you the Game Boy Horror. This was changed to the Game Boy Horror SP in the final game.
E. Gadd: Hmm… My sniffer's detecting the aroma of a new kind of juice…
Cashier: Oh! Professor Gadd! How've you been, sir? Are you here to try our new drink? You can ask those two there for Woohoo Blend!
E. Gadd: Oh! Just wonderful! A new blend! How about a try, youngsters?
Hmm… This flavor fills the old bones with brimming strength! Yep, a drink like this'll surely boost my spirits during ghost research. Listen, youngsters, let me thank you. I insist you take this.
Hmm… I wonder what I should invent next…

After buying the Hoohoo Blend, Wario of the Super Mario series appears and gives you the Wario's Gold accessory. This was changed to the Greed Wallet in the final version.
Wario: Ah ha ha ha! Move it! Wow! Now that I'm here, this game's finally gettin' good!
Cashier: Oh! Wario! What's a bad dude like you doing here? Oh! I got it! You came to pay your tab from the other day!
Wario: What are you talkin' about?!? You tryin' to give me a bad rep with stupid rumors? I oughta…
Cashier: Aww, come on! Just pay up! I'll even take beans if you got 'em. Come on! You're a rich guy, right?
Wario: Uh… OK. Maybe next time. But… Don't you have free drinks for celebrity guest stars in this game? Wa ha ha ha ha ha ha!
BLECH! AWFUL! Do you guys really like drinking nasty stuff like this? …Losers.
Ah! Whatever! Hope this covers your costs! Blech! Drinkin' that stuff made me wanna go shave my tongue! Uh-oh! Gotta go!"
Fox McCloud

After buying the Chuckle Blend, Fox McCloud, hero of the Star Fox series, appears and gives you the Gold Ring accessory. This was changed to the Bonus Ring in the final version.
Fox: Fox here!
Cashier: Hey! Aren't you Fox McCloud, the Star Fox leader? Are you here to taste our new juice? No way!
Fox: Uh…yeah. So why don't you serve me up a cup at your special guest star rate? What's that? A call?
Call: Fox! Help me! Fox! Where are you??
Cashier: Wow! You sure are one busy guy… Er, I mean, one busy fox!
Fox: Thanks for the discount! Will this cover the rest? Mission complete!
Captain Olimar

After buying the Teehee Blend, Captain Olimar from the Pikmin series appears and gives you the UV Lamp accessory. This was changed to the Cobalt Necktie in the final game.
Captain Olimar's text appears in a popup window rather than a speech box, referencing his scientific observations from the Pikmin games.
Olimar: …I detect a strange, yet pleasing aroma drifting through the atmosphere of this cafe. It would seem to require further investigation…
Cashier: Wow! This is a rare treat! If it isn't Captain Olimar!
Olimar: What is this? Before my eyes stands a strange life form. It resembles me slightly, so I shall dub it…Marlio! …Further investigation indicates that the drink that this Marlio holds is the source of the aroma. I shall now partake of its flavor.
Why! Its flavor is most satisfying! Finding that such a drink could be partook of in such a place is a tremendous discovery, indeed! This Marlio creature exhibits what seems to be a longing expression… Perhaps it will react if I present it with something…
I have just noticed a strange, unsightly green creature standing next to the Marlio… It could be a dangerous life form. I feel I should attack it before it attacks me.
Samus Aran

After buying the Hoolumbian, Samus Aran from the Metroid series appears and gives you the Energy Tank accessory. This was changed to the Power Grip in the final game.
Cashier: Whoa! A power outage? Yikes! Samus Aran! I see you're rocking and rolling as usual! …Looks like your energy tanks are empty! Sorry, but can't you give your Hoolumbian to Samus? Oh! Feeling better?

After buying the Chuckoccino, an Excitebike rider appears and gives you the Excite Spring accessory.
Cashier: Hey? Is that the sound of a motorcycle I hear?
Hey, buddy! What are you doin'?! This isn't a drive-through!!! What? Are you thirsty or something? Fine, but no need to get so…EXCITED!
Are your engines on full throttle?

After buying the Teeheespresso, Link from The Legend of Zelda series appears and gives you the Triforce. This was changed to the Great Force in the final game.
Cashier: Whoa! Link! The Hero of…what is it, now? Anyway, long-time, no see, buddy! What are you doing here? Did you get lost in a dungeon again?
What? You're having trouble finding the fairy fountain? Oh… It's game over, and your bottles are all empty? Are your hearts filled now, kiddo?
Submitted by TV Eye, The Qu, screenshots by TV Eye