Pokémon: Gold & Silver
Game Boy Color Cameos
A Winner Is You!
Earl Dervish of the Pokémon Academy speaks in broken English. At one point he asks:
"Want to be a winner is you?"

The phrase "A Winner Is You!" was a piece of bad English that originally appeared in Pro Wrestling (NES). It later became famous as an internet meme.
Submitted by Fryguy64, TV Eye, Johans Nidorino
Game Freak
As in Pokémon: Red & Blue, the Game Freak headquarters can still be found in Celadon City after you reach the Kanto region.
Submitted by Wanderingshadow, Johans Nidorino, TV Eye
Nintendo 64
When you arrive in Pallet Town in the Kanto region, you can visit Red's house. While in the original Pokémon: Red & Blue he has a Super Famicom, Red has now upgraded to a Nintendo 64.
Submitted by Guilherme