Pokémon: Red & Blue Version
Game Boy Cameos

Hero & Rival's Japanese Names

In the Japanese version of Pokémon Red, the second default name for the hero is "Satoshi", and the second default name for your rival is "Shigeru". These names are reversed in the Green Version.

Hero & Rival's Japanese Names

These names refer to Satoshi Tajiri, the Game Freak designer who created Pokémon, and Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Mario.

These names were also selected for the hero and rival in the Japanese Pokémon anime.

Submitted by Fryguy64

Mario & Wario

Head to the Mimic Girl's house in Saffron City and check out her SNES console. You get the following description of the game she's playing:

"A game with MARIO wearing a bucket on his head!"
Mario & Wario on SNES

This refers to Mario & Wario, a Japan-only Super NES puzzle game that was developed by Game Freak, the developers of Pokémon.

Submitted by The Mushroom Kingdom

Game Freak

In Celadon City, you can find the Game Freak development room in one of the buildings and talk to the staff who worked on Pokémon, including a programmer, artist, musician and director.

Game Freak Development Room

You receive a diploma from the director if you catch all 150 Pokémon.

Submitted by Fryguy64, Wanderingshadow

Saint Anne

In Japan, the ship S.S. Anne is named the Saint Anne.

Saint Anne was also the name of the computer that created the hero in the Game Freak game Pulseman on the Sega Genesis.

Submitted by TV Eye