Custom Robo
Gamecube Cameos

Dolphin Pod

One of the upgrades you can acquire in this game is called the Dolphin Pod: A pair of shoulder-mounted pod launchers shaped like dolphins. You can also get Dolphin Pod upgrades – the "Dolphin G" and the "Orca".

Dolphin Pod

The working title for the Gamecube was the "Dolphin", and many N64 and GameCube games made reference to this.

Submitted by The Almighty Narf


During the game you find out about a group called the "Z-Syndicate". In the park area, a number of NPCs try to guess what the "Z" could stand for.

One suggests "Zelda", the title character of The Legend of Zelda series. Another suggests "Zebes", a key planet in the Metroid series.

Submitted by Korre