Gamecube Cameos

Olimar's Name

Olimar's name in Japanese letters is spelled オリマー (o-ri-ma). If spelled backwards, it reads マリオ (ma-ri-o). A hidden Mario reference.

Captain Olimar

Submitted by Fryguy64

The Dolphin

In Pikmin, Olimar's rocket is called the "Dolphin".

The Dolphin

"Dolphin" was the working title for the GameCube hardware before it was released. Many N64 and Gamecube games made reference to the Dolphin name.

Submitted by Fryguy64


Captain Olimar's home planet is called Hokotate. The planet is named after part of the street address for Nintendo's headquarters in Kyoto, Japan:

11-1 Kamitoba-hokotate-cho, Minami-ku - Kyoto 601-8501

Submitted by Blueberry Pie