StarTropics II: Zoda's Revenge
NES Cameos


In each time zone Mike travels to in the Oxford Wonderworld he collects a Tetrad, seven shapes made up of four blocks. They are based on the blocks in Tetris, and Chief Coralcola assembles them at the end of the game after claiming that his middle name is Tetris.


In all reissues following the Wii Virtual Console release of the game, the Tetrads have been renamed "Blocks".

Submitted by Fryguy64, screenshot by Rey

Koopa Troopa

In Chapter 3, when you find the pizza delivery guy in the middle of the desert, he is riding a turtle slowly.

Koopa Troopa

The turtle strongly resembles the Koopa Troopas from the Super Mario series.

Submitted by Flyingomelette