Nintendo 64 Cameos

Bottles' House

Jet Force Gemini Posters

In Bottles' house, Goggles has a poster of Juno and Speccy has a poster of Vela, the heroes of Jet Force Gemini.

Jet Force Gemini Posters

Donkey Kong Doll

Speccy is also holding a squeaky Donkey Kong doll.

Donkey Kong Doll

Submitted by Fryguy64

Grunty Industries

Jet Force Gemini poster

In the workers' quarters of Grunty Industries, there is another poster of Vela from Jet Force Gemini.

Jet Force Gemini Poster

Fridge Magnets

The refrigerator in the workers' quarters is covered in magnets based on logos of Rare games.

Refrigerator Magnets

Twycross Crates

Several boxes found around the factory say "Deliver to Twycross England". Twycross is the location of Rare's headquarters.

Twycross Crates

Loggo's Mario Reference

In Grunty Industries, talk to Loggo and he'll ask you to unclog him. Speak to him again before attempting to unclog him and the following conversation takes place:

Loggo: I'm all blocked up… Help!

Kazooie: Then call a plumber. I think Mario's free at the moment.

Loggo: I don't think he actually does that kind of work anymore…

Submitted by Fryguy64, Korre


On the Hailfire Peaks stage there is a major cameo appearance from one of the first Rare characters, Sabreman. He was the hero of four of Rare's games on the ZX Spectrum: Sabre Wulf, Underwurlde, Knight Lore and Pentagram.


When you arrive at Hailfire Peaks, transform into Mumbo Jumbo and head into the ice section. On the frozen shore you find an explorer trapped in ice. Use Mumbo's magic to free him and after he thaws he introduces himself as Sabreman. He says he was led to the frozen side of Hailfire Peaks by the Sabre Wulf in 1984, and he's been frozen ever since.

Warm him up and have Banjo carry him back to the tent on the fiery side of Hailfire Peaks. His tent has the Sabre Wulf logo on the side.

Dolphin Reference

After rewarding you with a Jiggy, Sabreman falls asleep. If you talk to him, he says he might take a ride on a dolphin.


This is a reference to the working title of the GameCube. Sabreman didn't show up in a Gamecube game, but he did finally get a sequel (published by Rare) on the Game Boy Advance.

Submitted by Fryguy64

Mr. Pants

On Rare's website, the webmaster Leigh Loveday needed a character to appear on the questionnaire page. Unable to get hold of an official render of an established Rare character, he did a rough doodle of a character named Mr. Pants. He was a rotund stickman wearing a pair of red underpants and a bowler hat. He became so well known to Rare fans on the website that he makes two appearances in this game.

Pants Constellation

In Witchyworld, head to the Dodgems Dome in Space Land and look out of the windows. You will eventually be able to see a star constellation of Mr. Pants drifting across the sky.

Mr. Pants Constellation

Pants on TV

On Hailfire Peaks, go into Boggy the Polar Bear's igloo. On his TV you can see an image of Mr. Pants.

Mr. Pants on TV

Submitted by Fryguy64

Perfect Dark Bedsheets

In Boggy's igloo on Hailfire Peaks, go down the stairs to the bedroom area. High on the wall is a bunk-bed. Climb on top of it and check the design of the bedsheets, they feature the Perfect Dark "PD" logo.

Perfect Dark Bedsheets

Submitted by Fryguy64

Ordnance Storage

In Glitter Gulch Mine you meet Bullion Bill who tells you 15 sticks of dynamite are running loose in Ordnance Storage. When you go down to sort them out, the view changes to a first-person perspective and Banjo holds Kazooie like a gun.

The map for the Ordnance Storage area is laid out almost identically to the Goldeneye 007 multiplayer map, Complex.

Submitted by Swedol

Jolly Roger Bay

D. Jones's Locker

Aside from the locker of D. Jones, the other lockers on the sea floor are marked with the names of Rare employees:

Jolly's Bar

One of the patrons of Jolly's Bar is Captain Blackeye. The character was originally going to appear as the main antagonist of Project: Dream, the game that eventually became the first Banjo-Kazooie game.

Other points of interest in the bar include:

Pawno's Emporium

Items of interest in Pawno's Emporium include:


Tiptup the turtle from Diddy Kong Racing and Banjo-Kazooie appears in Jolly Roger Bay, waiting for an egg to hatch.

Submitted by Kirbychu, The Qu

Grunty's Quiz

The end of Banjo-Tooie features a quiz where you must answer questions about the game. Some of the wrong answers are references to other games:

What type of doll is Bottles' daughter playing with in Jinjo Village?

  1. Joanna Dark
  2. Banjo
  3. Donkey Kong

Which Jet Force Gemini character can you find a poster of in Grunty Industries?

  1. Vela
  2. Juno
  3. Lupus

What is on the wallpaper in the factory workers quarters?

  1. Mumbo
  2. Joanna Dark
  3. Gruntilda

What game does not have a refrigerator magnet in the Workers Quarters in Grunty Industries?

  1. Jet Force Gemini
  2. Perfect Dark
  3. Banjo-Kazooie

Since when has Sabreman been frozen in his block of ice in Hailfire Peaks?

  1. 1982
  2. 1984
  3. 1986

Submitted by Swedol