The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Nintendo 64 Cameos
Mask Salesman's Mario Mask
Once you meet the Mask Salesman inside the Clock Tower, check out the masks attached to his backpack. One of the masks is a Mario mask.

Submitted by Fryguy64
The working title for the Nintendo Gamecube was "Dolphin". Nintendo slipped many references to the name into their games.
Dolphin Picture
Gain access to the Observatory just outside of Clock Town and head into the basement (where the scarecrow can be found). Smash some of the jars to find a rough sketch of a dolphin on the floor.

Dolphin Jump
When you are Zora Link, the swimming move you perform when leaping out of the water is named the "Dolphin Jump". This may simply be a reference to its similarity to a real dolphin's jump, however.
Submitted by Fryguy64, John N.
Classic Zelda Music
Head to the great Zora Hall before the third dungeon where the members of the Zora band, the Indigo-gos, are jamming in their rooms. All of their riffs are from the dungeons and caves from The Legend of Zelda (NES) and A Link to the Past (Super NES).

You also get a chance to play the Ballad of the Wind Fish in the Clock Town milk bar when you have all the masks. This was the name of the main song from Link's Awakening, although the two songs do not sound the same.
Submitted by Fryguy64
Bowser Pendants
The Bowser pendants worn by Malon and Talon on Lon Lon Ranch in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time reappear in Majora's Mask, this time worn by Romani and Cremia, the two girls who run Romani's Ranch.
Submitted by MEGAߥTE