Ridge Racer 64
Nintendo 64 Cameos
Galaga '88
Get 1st Place on Ridge Racer Extreme Extra (Grand Prix), and you get to play a level of the Galaga '88 arcade game from Namco.
If you defeat all 40 aliens, you unlock the Galaga '88 car and the Galaga Pac Jam song.

Submitted by Kohta
Cameo Cars
Many of the cars in the game feature references to Namco games, and a few exclusive to this game reference Nintendo.
Galaga '88
A car shaped like the Galaga ship from Namco's Galaga '88 arcade game.

To unlock it, get 1st Place on Ridge Racer Extreme Extra (Grand Prix) to play a level of the Galaga '88 arcade game. Defeat all 40 aliens and the car is unlocked.
A car shaped like Blinky, the blue ghost from Namco's Pac-Man.

To unlock it, complete 99 laps on Free Run in Time Attack Mode on any track.
A car shaped like the Pooka enemy from Namco's Dig-Dug.

To unlock it, clear the Set Record in Time Attack Mode on track 7 or track 8.
Ultra 64
This car's name refers to the working title for the Nintendo 64.

To unlock it, clear every stage in 1st place on Z-class to get all 8 Platinum Trophies. After the staff roll, the Ultra 64 will be available in the Garage.
00 Agent

This car's name refers to James Bond, Agent 007. The car is likely referencing the hugely popular N64 game Goldeneye 007.
Pac Racing

A car featuring sprite art decals of Namco's Pac-Man.
RT Solvalou

This car's name refers to the Solvalou ship from Namco's Xevious arcade game.
RT Xevious Red/Green

This car's name refers to Namco's Xevious arcade game.
Galaga RT Prid's/Carrot

This car's name refers to Namco's Galaga arcade game. The car features decals of Pooka from Dig-Dug.
RT Pink/Blue Mappy

This car's name refers to Namco's Mappy arcade game. The car features decals of Mappy.
Micro Mouse Mappy

This car's name refers to Namco's Mappy arcade game.
RT Bosconian

This car's name refers to Namco's Bosconian arcade game.
RT Nebulasray
This car's name refers to Namco's Nebulas Ray arcade game.
DIG Racing Team

This car's name refers to Namco's Dig-Dug arcade game, and features decals of Pooka.
Submitted by Loves Nintendo, Fryguy64, Kohta