Glory of Heracles
Nintendo DS Cameos


While there are no direct cameos in the game, the characters occasionally reference other Nintendo games in their speech:


When the hero is trying to come up with an alias, one of the characters suggests he names himself Pit, while another character suggests that this name doesn't even sound Greek.

This is a reference to Pit, the hero of the Kid Icarus series.

It's a Secret to Everybody

In the forest, an Earth Nymph says:

"Heehee… This path… It's a secret to everybody."

The phrase "It's a secret to everybody" was first said by characters in hidden rooms in The Legend of Zelda.

Buy Somethin' Will Ya?

When the town of Heaven's Haven has been destroyed, talk to the Item Shopkeeper and she'll say:

"Buy something and support my rebuilding plans, will ya?"

This alludes to the phrase "Buy Somethin' Will Ya?", said by the merchants in The Legend of Zelda.


When your party tries to sneak onto the Trantian's giant wooden horse heading for Troy, Princess Piazza tells a lie to get them on:

"I am Princess Piazza, representative of Trantia's ally nation of, er, Archanea."

Archanea is the name of Marth's homeland in the Fire Emblem series.

Submitted by Dasher Misire, Korre, Da Robot