Wario: Master of Disguise
Nintendo DS Cameos

Retro Wario Figurine

At various stages in the game, different objects will appear in Wario's house depending on the title he has. After acquiring the first title "Dabbler of Disguise", the object that appears is a figurine designed to look like a Super Mario Bros. era Wario sprite.

Submitted by Grandy02

Genius Wario's Ultra Hand

Genius Wario uses an extendable arm with a boxing glove on it. This is based on Nintendo's classic toy, the Ultra Hand.

Wario used a similar device in Mario Power Tennis.

Submitted by The Qu

Game & Watch 9000

One of the treasures Wario can collect is the Game & Watch 9000, based on the Game & Watch series of handheld games. The description reads:

"An amazing handheld game unit with FIFTY screens! When unfolded, it takes up as much space as a timeshare condo."

On the screen, you can make out that the game is Octopus.

Submitted by The Qu, Grandy02

Stuffy the Dolphin

The Boss of Episode 8, Stuffy the Dolphin, is referred to as the "64th ruler of the Dolphinian Empire". This is a double system reference:

Submitted by Grandy02, The Qu