Donkey Kong Country
Super NES Cameos

Game Opening

The game's opening begins with Cranky Kong standing on red girders and playing the 8-bit title screen music from the arcade Donkey Kong.

Game Opening

Submitted by Fryguy64

Cranky's Cabin

When you visit Cranky Kong, he will usually ramble on about how old games were better than modern games, berating the flashy, modern graphics. He makes occasional allusions to classic games, including the arcade Donkey Kong.

Cranky's Cabin

Submitted by Fryguy64

Bonus Room Letters

In several Bonus Rooms, you have to collect moving golden letters in the correct order to spell out a word. The words you have to spell include "Rare" and "Nintendo".

Bonus Game Letters

Submitted by nensondubois, Fryguy64

Manic Mincers

The name of the stage "Manic Mincers" appears to be a reference to the classic UK ZX Spectrum game "Manic Miner".

Manic Mincers

Submitted by Swedol