Super NES Cameos
While it has long been believed that Ness's name is based on the NES, this was confirmed in an interview with Shigesato Itoi:
"The production staff named the main character Ness, a pun on the NES in America."
Submitted by Da Robot
Japanese Mario Names
At the start of the game, when selecting names for the characters, you can select from several default names. In the Japanese version, one set of default names are all characters from the Super Mario series.

- Mario (Ness)
- Peach (Paula)
- Luigi (Jeff)
- Kinopio (Poo)
- Yoshi (Dog)
Kinopio is the Japanese name for Toad.
Submitted by Fryguy64
Arcade Games
In Onett's arcade you can see three kinds of arcade games displayed on the miniature screens. One of them is Donkey Kong, and another is Taito's Space Invaders. The third screen has yet to be identified.

The background music is made up of 8-bit arcade sound effects. Part of the music sounds like the music from Namco's Xevious arcade game.
Submitted by Fryguy64, Johans Nidorino
HAL Laboratory Sign
On the south side of Threed is a Billboard that reads:
"Located in the shadow of Mt. Fuji - HAL Laboratory"

This is a reference to HAL Laboratory, one of the developers who worked on the game. Their Japanese offices are located close to Mt. Fuji.
Submitted by Wanderingshadow, The Qu, TV Eye. Screenshots by TV Eye
In the Fourside department store, you meet a kid who says that one day he wants to work for APE as a programmer.

APE are one of the development studios who worked on the game.
Submitted by Wanderingshadow, The Qu, TV Eye. Screenshots by TV Eye
EarthBound 2
In Fourside, a sign outside of one of the buildings says:
"Planning meeting for EarthBound 2"

Submitted by Wanderingshadow, The Qu, TV Eye. Screenshots by TV Eye
Near the start of the game you meet a dog called Ruffini, who claims to be possessed by the spirit of the game's designer. He gives you tutorials on how to play.

Submitted by Wanderingshadow, The Qu, TV Eye. Screenshots by TV Eye
Self-Referential Quotes
- Captain Strong tells Ness: "At times like these, kids should be at home playing Nintendo games."
- After Ness beats Captain Strong, he says: "I've been playing EarthBound. I'm having a tough time."
- A girl on the east side of Onett says "Has EarthBound been released yet?"
- If you say "Yes" when a Shark asks you to join their gang, they say: &qupt;Come back after you've beaten Earthbound."
Submitted by Wanderingshadow, The Qu, TV Eye
Debug Kirby
Using a cheat device, it is possible to unlock the game's Debug Menu. Kirby appears as the menu selection icon.

Submitted by angrysun, screenshot by nensondubois