The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Super NES Cameos
Mario Pictures
In two of the houses in Kakariko Village, you can find portraits of Mario hanging on the walls. Pull on the picture to get some Rupees.

The portrait also appears in one of the houses in the Village of Outcasts in the Dark World.
Submitted by Fryguy64, Smashchu
Mario Enemies
Chain Chomp

In the Turtle Rock dungeon is an enemy that resembles the Chain Chomps from Super Mario Bros. 3. They are black iron balls with teeth, attached to stumps by a chain.
Fire Bar

The game also features rotating fire bars, which appear to be based on the rotating Fire Bars from Super Mario Bros.
Enemy origin interview
Following a recently translated interview from 1991, a few interesting facts about the enemy cameos came to light.
Chain Chomp (Wanwan) had been sitting around as concept art for a while when both the Super Mario Bros. 3 and Legend of Zelda teams picked it up:
Q. By the way, there were several characters in this game that also appeared in Mario. Was that your idea, Mr. Tezuka?
Tezuka: We'd had concept art for Wanwan lying around for awhile. We'd put it aside thinking we might make use of it if we could, but someone discovered it and ended up using it for their own purposes.
The Fire Bars were originally designed for The Legend of Zelda, but were adopted into Super Mario Bros. and eventually dropped from the Zelda game:
Q. There were Fire Bars, too. I was wondering if there was some trick to the order of the creation process.
Tezuka: To tell you the truth, Fire Bars were originally made for Zelda. They were a lot of fun, so we used them in Mario too.
Miyamoto: Now that you mention it, it was Mario that did the ripping off. There were things we couldn't use in the first Zelda, you see, but as time passed and the statute of limitations was about to expire, we thought about using them again and ended up implementing them in this game.
Nakago: They were originally made for Zelda 1.
Submitted by Fryguy64, MEGAߥTE, screenshots from The Mushroom Kingdom, TV Eye