Wii Cameos

Hippo's Underwear

When you hit King Hippo in the face, he drops his shorts to reveal underwear with a Starman design from the Super Mario series.

King Hippo's underwear

Limited edition real life copies of the underwear were made available to promote the game.

Submitted by MEGAߥTE

Doc Louis' Quotes

Disco Kid

"Whoa, son! This kid is quick! Your blocks ain't gonna defend his new Disco Flurry. Watch out, and get out of the way at the right time!"

Disco Kid is the only all-original fighter in Punch-Out!! Wii. Hackers discovered that his data is stored in a file on the disc named "kidquick". Kid Quick was a character in the original arcade Punch-Out!!, and Disco Kid shares his stats.

Club Nintendo

"Join the Nintendo Fun- I- I mean Club Nintendo today, Mac!"

In Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (NES), Doc Louis would suggest you join the Nintendo Fun Club, a precursor to Nintendo Power magazine.

Club Nintendo is an online rewards system where you register games you buy and trade stars/coins for gifts.

Bald Bull

"Hey, Mac baby! If you can't beat Bald Bull in a fight... how about an arm wrestle? Ha ha ha!

This is a reference to Bald Bull's cameo in arcade game Arm Wrestling as Mask X.

Brain Age

"Don't worry son, we all know his Brain Age."

Said during a multiplayer fight against Giga Mac, referencing Nintendo DS title Brain Age.


"Call a plumber!"

Said during the fight against Donkey Kong, referring to Mario, who fought against Donkey Kong in the original Donkey Kong arcade game.

Submitted by Leon, regiwi, Da Robot, Dasher Misire, YoungLink

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong makes a number of appearances in the game:

Donkey Kong in the background

A silhouette of Donkey Kong appears in the crowd in the background.

Background Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Fight

After you clear both Career Mode and Title Defense Mode, you face one final challenger: Donkey Kong.

Donkey Kong

He is referred to as "The King of Swing!" "The Leader of the DK Krew!" and "Jumpman's Bane!".

Quite a few of Donkey Kong's moves and poses seem to be based on other games he has appeared in, particularly Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Submitted by Koopaul, The Qu, Dasher Misire, Fryguy64