Super Smash Bros. Brawl Cameo Guide
Poké Ball Pokémon

A Normal type Scratch Cat Pokemon. Meowth faces the direction most of your opponents are in and uses Pay Day, launching damaging coins that stun anyone who gets hit by them.

An Electric type Ball Pokemon. Electrode will charge itself up before using its devastating Explosion attack. It is possible to pick up Electrode and throw it when it flashes just before the explosion. Some Electrodes fail to explode.

A Water type Goldfish Pokemon. Goldeen flops around on the ground and deals no damage.

A Water type Starshape Pokemon. Staryu targets a random opponent and chases them around before unleashing a Swift attack, firing multiple stars at them.

A Normal type Sleeping Pokemon. Snorlax leaps off the top of the screen then performs a Body Slam, appearing several times bigger and causing damage to anyone beneath him.

A Fire/Flying type Flame Pokemon. Moltres hovers above the stage, and any character that comes into contact with it will receive a lot of damage and be sent flying away from it.

A Psychic type New Specie Pokemon. Mew appears very rarely, but when it does it will drop a CD for you to collect.

A Grass type Leaf Pokemon. Chikorita swings the leaf on its head to fire a Razor Leaf attack that damages and traps anyone caught in it.

A Normal type Spike Ball Pokemon. Togepi wiggles its arms to use its Metronome move, unleashing a random effect on the stage. It can make the stage go dark, place flowers on opponents' heads, send opponents to sleep, freeze opponents or trap opponents in the ground.

A Grass type Flower Pokemon. Bellossom shakes her grass skirt, spreading Sleep Powder all around, causing anyone trapped in it to fall asleep.

A Psychic type Patient Pokemon. Wobbuffet simply stands still. If any attacks hit it then it swings back and forth, causing damage and knockback that increases in strength depending on the strength of the attack that hit it.

A Fire type Volcano Pokemon. Entei roars then launches a Fire Spin from its back that sends anyone trapped in it high into the air while causing huge damage.

A Water type Aurora Pokemon. Suicune appears and fires a powerful Aurora Beam that causes massive damage to anyone caught in it.

A Psychic/Flying type Diving Pokemon. Lugia flies into the background and fires an Aeroblast at the stage that causes heavy damage.

A Fire/Flying type Rainbow Pokemon. Ho-oh flies into the background and launches a Sacred Fire attack at the stage, causing massive damage to anyone caught in it.

A Psychic/Grass type Time Travel Pokemon. Celebi is extremely rare, but when it appears it will drop trophies for you to collect.

A Fire type Chick Pokemon. Torchic shrouds itself in flame and dances around, causing damage to anyone who touches it.

A Psychic type Embrace Pokemon. Gardevoir creates a Safeguard area around it, then walks around. Any projectiles and items are reflected from the Safeguard barrier to cause more damage.

A Poison type Stomach Pokemon. Gulpin stays perfectly still until an opponent comes close. He will suck them into its gaping mouth, causing damage to them before spitting them out.

A Steel/Psychic type Iron Leg Pokemon. Metagross smashes the ground with its legs, causing an Earthquake that causes anyone nearby to fly into the air.
Latias & Latios

Two Dragon/Psychic type Eon Pokemon. Latias and Latios work together, sweeping across the stage in cross formations several times, dealing damage to anyone stood in their way.

A Water type Sea Basin Pokemon. Kyogre chases a random opponent and then sprays them with jets of water, pushing them towards the edge of the stage. It also causes damage to anyone who touches it.

A Ground type Continent Pokemon. Groudon stands still and causes itself to overheat, causing massive damage to anyone who touches it.

A Steel/Psychic type Wish Pokemon. Jirachi appears extremely rarely, but when it does it will drop Stickers for you to collect.

A Psychic type DNA Pokemon. Deoxys appears in his Attack Forme from Pokemon FireRed & LeafGreen. He flies above the stage and fires a Hyper Beam directly downwards, causing massive damage to anyone caught in it.

A Water type Penguin Pokemon. Piplup surrounds itself with water and slides forward. It causes little damage, but it is possible to get carried along by Piplup's torrent of water and dragged off the stage.

A Rock type Bonsai Pokemon. Bonsly simply walks around. Players can pick Bonsly up and because it's a rock type, it's both heavy and causes decent damage if thrown at an opponent.

A Normal type Big Eater Pokemon. Munchlax walks around the stage harmlessly. However, if it sees any items, it will run after them and eat them up.

A Dark/Ice type Sharp Claw Pokemon. Weavile darts back and forth quickly, damaging anyone who hits it, and stunning them so they can't escape its slashes.

A Water type Seafaring Pokemon. Manaphy appears very rarely, but when it does it uses Heart Swap, causing all players to temporarily swap bodies.