Wii Sports
Wii Cameos
Classic Golf Courses
The Wii Sports version of golf features nine holes – but they are not new course designs. All of the courses have been adapted from Golf (NES), Nintendo's first golf game.
Course 1
Course 1 from NES Golf.

Course 2
Course 3 from NES Golf.

Course 3
Course 8 from NES Golf.

Course 4
Course 14 from NES Golf.

Course 5
Course 5 from NES Golf.

Course 6
Course 16 from NES Golf.

Course 7
Course 12 from NES Golf.

Course 8
Course 9 from NES Golf.

Course 9
Course 13 from NES Golf.

Submitted by Submitted by Smashchu, Fryguy64
Peach's Castle
On Golf, course 5, make it to the green and look into the distance. You can see a castle that looks a lot like Peach's castle from the Super Mario series.

Submitted by Angrysun