Kid Icarus
NES Game Guide

In the peaceful Angel Land, the goddess of light Palutena grew angry with how the goddess of darkness Medusa treated mankind. Medusa was banished to the Underworld.

Medusa joined forces with the Underworld monsters and waged war against Palutena's Sky Palace.

Palutena summoned the head of her guards, the valiant angel warrior Pit. Armed with a bow and arrow, Pit must retrieve three Sacred Treasures from the Underworld, Overworld and Sky World. With them, he will be strong enough to defeat Medusa.




A young and valiant warrior, and leader of Palutena's personal bodyguards, who was thrown into an Underworld dungeon during the attack on the Sky Palace. He escaped, and Palutena used her magic to send him a bow and arrow. Now he must reclaim the Three Sacred Treasures if he is to defeat Medusa and return Angel Land to peace.



The Goddess of Light. She was one of the highest ranking gods in Angel Land, but she has been brought down by Medusa. She tasks Pit with gathering the Three Sacred Treasures.



These warriors for Palutena's angel army have been turned to stone by Medusa. Pit can free them with the mallet, and they will join him to fight the fortress boss.



A powerful God who appears in the Sacred Chamber to grant Pit arrow upgrades based on his performance, and in the Sacred Training Chamber to test Pit's mettle and reward him with weapon upgrades.



A shopkeeper who will sell you useful items in the overworld and the fortresses. Be sure to save up enough Hearts to pay him for the best items.

Black Marketeer

Black Marketeer

A shopkeeper who sells the rarest items for high prices. If any of Pit's items are stolen, he will sell them back to you.



If Pit is affected by the Eggplant Wizard's curse, he will need to find the nurse in the fortress hospital to have the curse removed.

God of Poverty

God of Poverty

In the Treasure Chambers, finding the God of Poverty will prematurely end your chance to gather the best treasures.




A winged snake that emerges from pots. They travel around in groups and keep coming if you defeat them all.



A one-eyed ghostly creature that flies around in groups. Take them out with a series of well-timed arrows.

Reaper & Reapette

Reaper & Reapette

The lookouts of Medusa's army pace back and forth on platforms. If they spot Pit, they will dance around as a strange song plays, and Reapettes will fly in and attack Pit. It appears in every world.



These strange creatures look like a fake nose and glasses, but they are in fact a living creature. They swarm in enemy nests and leave behind Big Hearts when defeated.



A blob of magma given the breath of life by Medusa. It suddenly emerges from the ground and spits hit balls of lava at Pit.



A one-eyed creature that looks like a slug. It can duck under Pit's arrows as it creeps ever closer.



A strange-looking monster with strong jumping power. They leap through the Underworld and try to chase down anyone who enters its territory.



Zeus will call upon these iron monoliths in the Sacred Training Chamber. Survive the onslaught and you will be rewarded with a special weapon.



A skeletal creature related to Monoeye. The feelers that dangle beneath it are its deadliest weapon. They swoop around the Underworld fortress.



Little devils that are hostile towards the residents of Angel Land. Despite having wings, they simply walk back and forth. The red variety can endure more hits than the blue.

Eggplant Wizard

Eggplant Wizard

A wizard who casts a strange spell that can turn Pit into an eggplant, rendering his weapons useless. In order to break the eggplant curse you must find the hospital. Eggplant Wizard appears in every fortress.



A living boulder that drops out of the sky to try and hit Pit. It deals a lot of damage if it hits its mark.



A giant ant lion that appears suddenly under Pit's feet. You not only need to keep moving to avoid its huge fangs, but also to dodge the projectile it fires after it emerges.



A thorny creature that inflates itself with air in order to fly around. Its big eyes are perfect for seeing distant prey.



A flying creature with a giant mouth, distantly related to Monoeye. It greedily gobbles up anything in its path.



A one-eyed frog that Medusa granted wings. It appears to be distantly related to Nettler.



A greedy ogre that will appear suddenly and try to steal one of Pit's possessions. If it succeeds, you will need to buy your item back at the Black Market.



A creature made of ice that lives in the cold regions of the Overworld. It throws balls of ice at Pit to protect its territory.



A creature made of brass that has been given a soul by Medusa. Swarms of Tamambo fly around rooms in the fortress, trying to bite down on Pit with their metallic teeth. The yellow variety are tougher and leave behind a Big Heart.



A mushroom creature that loves dark, damp places like fortresses. It may not look dangerous, but it is extremely poisonous.

Collin & EelEye

Collin & EelEye

Once one of Palutena's soldiers whose soul has been removed by Medusa and replaced with the flying poisonous worms known as EelEye. Collin isn't very strong, so the EelEyes will try to protect their host.



The God of Plants is a cactus creature that grows in the clouds. It will attack anyone who enters its territory.

Pluton Fly

Pluton Fly

A little flying thief that tries to steal Pit's weapons. Your arrows are useless against it.



An advanced version of the Kobil flies around and attacks Pit.



A nasty jellyfish creature that is believed to come from a planet other than Earth.



An irritable octopus creature that emerges from beneath the clouds as you climb into the sky. It relies on other sky creatures to survive.



A guardian of the fortress. Its metallic body makes it difficult to defeat.



The God of the Sky betrayed Palutena and has sided with Medusa. He wanders around inside the fortress.



A pillar from the Sky Palace that Medusa breathed life into. They drop from above and stack up to try and block Pit's path.



A flying Starfish that moves around in groups. Its face is actually on the bottom, making it hard to know which way it is facing.



The God of Revenge. It tours the Sky Palace and it's said nobody who has crossed it has ever survived. Even if you blast it with Sacred Arrows, its body will split apart and try to finish the job.



A wicked creature that tries to lure Pit with her beautiful body, before attacking with the steely claws on her feet.



A flower from the Sky Palace that has been taken over by an evil spirit. It flaps its leaves to fly, and its petals are tipped with poisonous thorns.



An evil ghost that guards the palace in the sky. They make up for their low attack power with their exceptional speed as they move up and down in your way.



The God of Death has taken the form of a snake that lives in Medusa's hair.




This two-headed devil dog is the gatekeeper of the Underworld fortress. Its body is cloaked in fire and it spits fireballs at Pit.



A sea serpent, and gatekeeper of the Overworld fortress. It leaps in and out of pools of lava and takes a lot of hits to bring down.



The demon god of disaster and chaos is the gatekeeper of the Skyworld fortress. Pandora blows out two indestructible bubbles that fly around the room and protect her. She can also turn invisible and warp around the chamber.



The goddess of the Underworld, who was transformed into an ugly monster by Palutena. She has risen up and conquered the Skyworld and is the final challenge you must face if you are to rescue Palutena and free Skyworld.




Enemies drop hearts when defeated. You can exchange hearts for items in stores and the black market.

Half Heart

Half Heart

Larger enemies might drop a Half Heart when defeated. It is worth 5 regular hearts.

Big Heart

Big Heart

The toughest enemies (and Specknose) will leave behind a Big Heart when defeated. It is worth 10 regular hearts.



A mysterious musical instrument that transforms all enemies on screen into mallets for a short time.



Gather as many Mallets as you can. You can use them to break open the Centurion statues in the fortresses, and they will help you fight the boss. You can also use Mallets as an ordinary weapon, with the power of 5 arrows.

Water of Life (Chalice)

Water of Life (Chalice)

A cup containing the Water of Life. Grab it to recover some of Pit's health.

Water of Life (Bottle)

Water of Life (Bottle)

Pick up a bottle of Water of Life, and when Pit's life runs out, he will recover a segment of his life meter automatically.

Water Barrel

Water Barrel

This rare item allows Pit to carry up to 8 bottles of Water of Life at one time.

Credit Card

Credit Card

A rare item that allows Pit to purchase items from the Black Marketeer on credit. You can't buy another item on credit until you have paid back what you owe.

Angel's Feather

Angel's Feather

If Pit falls from a platform, the Angel's Feather will allow Pit to return for another chance. It only works once.


Fire (Flaming Arrows)

Complete Zeus's Training Chamber to be offered one of three weapons. The Fire sets your arrows alight, making them more powerful and they are more likely to hit their target.

Sacred Bow

Sacred Bow

Complete Zeus's Training Chamber to be offered one of three weapons. The Sacred Bow allows your arrows to fly faster and further than before.

Protective Crystal

Protective Crystal

Complete Zeus's Training Chamber to be offered one of three weapons. The Protective Crystal will make two crystals encircle Pit, providing a protective barrier.

Flaming Torch

Flaming Torch

Find the Flaming Torch in the fortress, and you will be able to see Pit's present position on the check sheet.



Find the Pencil in the fortress, and you will be able to see Pit's path through the fortress maze on the check sheet.

Check Sheet

Check Sheet

This map will allow Pit to find his way through the fortress. The Flaming Torch and Pencil are of no use until you find this.

Mirror Shield

Mirror Shield

One of the Three Sacred Treasures. The Mirror Shield reflects enemy bullets in the final battle at the Sky Palace.

Light Arrow

Light Arrow

One of the Three Sacred Treasures. The Light Arrow is so powerful, it blasts through enemies like a laser beam in the final battle at Sky Palace.

Wings of Pegasus

Wings of Pegasus

One of the Three Sacred Treasures. The Wings of Pegasus allow Pit to fly in the final battle at Sky Palace.

Get the different endings

When you defeat Medusa, the ending will change depending on how many of the following "Stats" have been maxed out:

Max Stats Ending
0 Pit receives a hat and sickle.
1 Pit receives a plain helmet and a short stick.
2 Pit received a plumed helmet and a spear.
3 Pit becomes a huge warrior.
4 Pit becomes a huge warrior and angels fly around as Palutena kisses him.


Change Shop Prices

When you enter a shop, press A + B on Controller 2. If you're lucky, the prices will change, although they can go either up or down. This does not work on the Black Marketeer.

In the Japanese Famicom Disk System version, you would have to shout into the microphone on Controller 2 for the same effect.