Shin Onigashima
NES Game Guide
General Information & Getting Started

Shin Onigashima has never been released outside of Japan and, to date, has never been translated into English. This walkthrough has been written for those English-speaking players who are curious about this game, and would like to know a little more about it.
Whether you want to play through the game yourself or simply want to know what happens, this guide has been written for you. All key events and plot points are provided, while the basic instructions for clearing the game are provided in both on-screen hiragana for players, and English to help understand your actions.
Saving the game
At the end of every chapter you will be prompted to insert Disk 1 Side A. This will save the game for you and return you to the title screen. You then have to select the second option from the menu and insert the next disk side you need to play.
Chapters 1-3 are on Disk 1 Side B, Chapter 4 is on Disk 1 Side A, Chapters 5-6 are on Disk 2 Side B, Chapters 7-9 are on Disk 2 Side A.
Getting Started
After the game has loaded and the standard Famicom Disk System disclaimer has displayed, the title screen will appear. Press START to open the file menu. Only one option is available at first:
- Select さいしょから (New Game)
You will be prompted to switch the Disk side, so eject Disk 1, turn it over and put it back in. The game will load after a few seconds.
Chapter 1

An elderly, childless couple have each been told in a dream by the guardian deity Hinoesama that the old man will find a baby girl and the old woman will find a baby boy. They must raise these children well, for they have an important destiny.
The next day comes and the hearth is going out. The old man decides to head to the woods to collect some kindling.
- みる (Look) いろり (Hearth)
- みる (Look) へや (Room)
- とる (Pick up)
- いどう (Move) しばかり (Grass Path)
- いどう (Move) しばかり (Grass Path)
- みる (Look) くさ (Grass)

From the grass, the strange boy Kintaro appears and agrees to tag along.
- はなす (Talk) きんたろう (Kintaro)
- はなす (Talk) きんたろう (Kintaro)
- いどう (Move) しばかり (Grass Path)
Together they follow the path into the forest. A bear appears, scaring the old man and blocking the way forward. Kintaro chases the bear into the forest, leaving the old man alone to finish his chores.
- はなす (Talk) きんたろう (Kintaro)
- とる (Pick up) しば (Kindling)
- いどう (Move) いえ (House)

On his way home, the old man heads into the bamboo forest, where he becomes lost.
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- みる (Look)
- つかう (Use) なた (Knife)
A baby girl appears from the glowing bamboo stalk. The old man remembers the dream, and decides to take the girl home.

The scene switches to the old woman on her way to the river to do some cleaning. As she goes, she passes the statue of Ojizosama, the Guardian Deity of Children, who (unlike the other statues) is undressed.
- みる (Look) おじぞうさま (Ojizosama)
- つける (Dress) みのとかさ (Straw coat and hat)
- はなす (Talk) おじぞうさま (Ojizosama)
- いどう (Move) かわ (River)
- みる (Look) かわ (River)
- とる (Pick up) おわん (Bowl)
Back at the house, the old woman is shocked to see the new baby that has entered their lives, as the dream predicted - although the old woman dreamed she would find a baby boy. They decide to cook the rice bowl that the old lady found floating down the river.
- みる (Look) いろり (Hearth)
- あける (Open) おわん (Bowl)
- いれる (Put) おゆ (Hot water)
- はなす (Talk)
- あける (Open) おわん (Bowl)

A baby boy leaps out of the bowl, and the house is in turmoil. Two children have been delivered to the old couple!
- Enter the name of the boy and girl in the text box. Press START without entering anything to choose from random default names for both children. For the sake of this guide, the common default names of Donbe for the boy and Hikari for the girl are used throughout.
Chapter 2

8 years have passed since Donbe and Hikari were found. Now Hikari is a smart young girl and Donbe is a strong little fighter. Their parents send them on an errand to the next village to deliver a package to Mr. Ittai, a local merchant and storyteller.
- あける (Open) とびら (Door)
- はなす (Talk) おじいさん (Old Man)
- いどう (Move) そと (Outside)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
A Snow Fairy blocks the path, and has transformed the area around her into snow and ice. Donbe and Hikari will have to find a way past this spirit to reach the next village.
- いどう (Move) みなみ (South)
- みる (Look) みち (Road)
- みる (Look) あな (Hole)
- みる (Look) あな (Hole)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- つかう (Use) おむすび (Rice ball)
- はなす (Talk) ねずみ (Mouse)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- とる (Pick up) かがみ (Mirror)
When Hikari tries to eat one of the rice balls it falls down the hole. A mouse pops out and tells you that if you shine sunlight on the snow fairy then it will leave. She gives you a mirror that you can use.
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- みる (Look) そら (Sky)
- つかう (Use) かがみ (Mirror)
- つかう (Use) かがみ (Mirror)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- みる (Look)
- いどう (Move) みせ (Shop)

The mouse's mirror trick worked and the snow fairy left, allowing the children to continue safely to Mr Ittai's shop. They deliver the package and a message from the old man.
- わたす (Give) とどけもの (Package)
- はなす (Talk) いったい (Ittai)
- いどう (Move) いえ (House)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- はなす (Talk) おじいさん (Old Man)
- はなす (Talk) おじいさん (Old Man)

Mr Ittai shows up back at Donbe and Hikari's house with an urgent message: The ancient dragon, the Avatar of Darkness, has appeared and is laying waste to the capital city. It has been eating the souls of humans and transforming them into Oni - soul-sucking demons. The Oni have been spotted heading in this direction.
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- はなす (Talk) おじいさん (Old Man)
- はなす (Talk) おじいさん (Old Man)

The old man goes to bed, leaving his toolbox out with the bamboo stalk and rice bowl inside. Donbe and Hikari look through the box and Kintaro arrives, telling them to go north to find more answers.
- みる (Look) どうぐばこ (Toolbox)
- あける (Open) どうぐばこ (Toolbox)
- みる (Look) おわん (Bowl) or たけづつ (Bamboo Pipe)
- はなす (Talk) きんたろう (Kintaro)
- いどう (Move) そと (Outside)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- みる (Look) いわ (Rock)
- いどう (Move) のぼる (Climb)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- みる (Look) たけ (Bamboo)
- とる (Pick up) おちてるたけ (Bamboo Piece)
- いどう (Move) みなみ (South)
- いどう (Move) おりる (Descend)
- いどう (Move) みなみ (South)
Donbe retrieved a piece of bamboo from the bamboo field and returned to the bottom of the cliff where Hikari was waiting. They head south again to the river, where the moonlight is shining off the surface.
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- みる (Look) かわ (River)
- みる (Look) じめん (Ground)
- みる (Look) そら (Sky)
- とる (Pick up) いし (Stone)
- はなす (Talk) どんべ (Donbe)
- つかう (Use) いし (Stone)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- みる (Look) つきかげ (Moonlight)
- つかう (Use) おちてるたけ (Bamboo Piece)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
The reflection of the moonlight was actually an unusual plate. Donbe climbs back up to the bamboo grove where he finds a crying Kappa. He is unable to stop the flow of the water because he lost his plate. When Donbe hands him the plate he is overjoyed. The water stops flowing and a cave is revealed at the bottom of the waterfall.
- いどう (Move) のぼる (Climb)
- みる (Look) たけやぶ (Bamboo Grove)
- みる (Look) たけやぶ (Bamboo Grove)
- みる (Look) だれか (Somebody)
- はなす (Talk) かっぱ (Kappa)
- わたす (Give) おさら (Plate)
- いどう (Move) おりる (Descend)
- いどう (Move) たきのなか (Inside the Cave)

A monstrous mechanical ship sits in the cave. The children have never seen anything like it. They receive a necklace and a bracelet from the machine.
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- みる (Look) どうくつ (Cave)
- みる (Look) おばけなべ (Monster Saucer)
- みる (Look) おばけなべ (Monster Saucer)
- とる (Pick up) くびかざり (Necklace) or うでわ (Bracelet)
- いどう (Move)

When they arrive back at home, Oni have descended on their house. They watch as the Oni steal their parents' souls and seal them in a bronze bell. Donbe is ready to fight, but Kintaro steps in and stops them. If they fight now they will be taken as well. He tells them of the Oni Fortress on a mountain to the north. They must head there if they want to save their parents.
- たたかう (Fight)
- みる (Look) まど (Window)
- みる (Look) まど (Window)

Left alone in their derelict house, Donbe and Hikari agree to follow Kintaro's advice and infiltrate the Oni Fortress.
Chapter 3

On their way to the Oni Fortress in the mountains, Donbe and Hikari come across an old, ruined shack. They decide to take some supplies to help them cross the dangerous mountain pass.
- みる (Look) いえ (House)
- みる (Look) まるた (Log)
- とる (Pick up) まるた (Log)
- みる (Look) いえ (House)
- あける (Open) つづら (Trunk)
- みる (Look) へんなつつ (Unusual Pipe)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- とる (Pick up) とおめがね (Telescope)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- みる (Look) がけ (Cliff)
- みる (Look) がけ (Cliff)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- つかう (Use) まるた (Log)

With the chasm in the mountain pass cleared, the pair return to the shack to scavenge what else they can before pressing on.
- いどう (Move) みなみ (South)
- とる (Pick up) かなづち (Hammer)
- とる (Pick up) ばくだん (Bomb)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
A forked road ahead. The right path leads to an area where the rocks are warm, possibly with an underground spring. The left path leads along a narrow foothold to the entrance of the Oni Fortress.
- いどう (Move) みぎのみち (Right Path)
- みる (Look) がけ (Cliff)
- みる (Look) がけ (Cliff)
- みる (Look) がけ (Cliff)
- つかう (Use) かなづち (Hammer) がけ (Cliff)
- つかう (Use) かなづち (Hammer) がけ (Cliff)
- いどう (Move) もどる (Back)
- いどう (Move) ひだりのみち (Left Path)
- いどう (Move) のぼる (Climb)
- いどう (Move) のぼる (Climb)
- みる (Look) みち (Road)
- とる (Pick up) いおうだま (Sulphur Ball)
- いどう (Move) のぼる (Climb)

Outside the Oni Fortress, Hikari watches the Oni run away thanks to the smell of sulphur in the air caused by the ruptured cliff face - apparently it is a weakness for them. She agrees to go inside and steal the Bronze Bell their parents were captured in, while Donbe stays outside and secures their escape.
- わたす (Give) いおうだま (Sulphur Ball)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- みる (Look) とりで (Fortress)
- みる (Look) とりで (Fortress)
- つかう (Use) とおめがね (Telescope)
- はなす (Talk) どんべ (Donbe)
- いどう (Move) とりで (Fortress)
- いどう (Move) すすむ (Forward)

Inside the fortress, an odd Tengu appears behind Hikari. After fooling around for a while, he agrees to help if he can have Hikari's telescope. He had come here to steal the bronze bell, but the telescope will also do. She agrees and he gives her a choice of two bags of ash – one of which will make Hikari invisible.
- つかう (Use) とおめがね (Telescope)
- はなす (Talk) てんぐ (Tengu)
- はなす (Talk) てんぐ (Tengu)
- はなす (Talk) てんぐ (Tengu)
- はなす (Talk) てんぐ (Tengu)
- わたす (Give) とおめがね (Telescope)
- あお (Blue)

An invisible Hikari grabs the Bronze Bell, scaring the Oni that is guarding it. She then uses the Sulphur Ball to cover her escape.
- いどう (Move) おくへすすむ (Further Inside)
- とる (Pick up) どうたく (Bronze Bell)
- つかう (Use) いおうだま (Sulphur Ball)
- いどう (Move) にげる (Escape)

Outside, Donbe has rigged the bridge with the bomb they found at the shack. As soon as he sees Hikari is free, he lights the fuse and escapes the inferno.
- つかう (Use) ばくだん (Bomb)
- いどう (Move) にげる (Escape) – select quickly

Watching the fortress crumble to the ground, a sore-looking Tengu flies towards the heroes. He gives them the bad news: the bell they just stole wasn't the one containing their parents. That's being held on the island of Onigashima, the stronghold of the dragon. Sure enough, the bell is empty. They hand the bell to the Tengu and decide to press on to the next village to see what they can find out about Onigashima.
Chapter 4

Donbe and Hikari arrive at a village by a large lake, only most of the village seems to have been swallowed by the water. They see a hut in the distance.
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- みる (Look) こや (Cabin)
- みる (Look) かべ (Wall)
- はなす (Talk) おとこ (Man)
- はなす (Talk) おとこ (Man)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- つかう (Use) うでわ (Bracelet)
- いどう (Move) みなみ (South)
- はなす (Talk) ひかり (Hikari)
Donbe is unable to read what is written on the side of the building, so when Hikari reads it an old fisherman who resembles Mr. Ittai appears. The village was once a shrine to the Ryukujin water tribe, and a great Dragon Temple has been swallowed by the lake. When Donbe shows the fisherman the bracelet, he tells them that legend says the bracelet is able to manipulate water.
- いどう (Move) もぐる (Dive)
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- つかう (Use) うでわ (Bracelet)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- つかう (Use) くびかざり (Necklace)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)

Deep in the lake, Donbe finds the Dragon Temple, but a swirling whirlpool prevents entry. He remembers the fisherman's words and uses the bracelet and the water begins to shine. Hikari uses her necklace on the surface and the whole lake shines. The vortex disappears and Donbe heads into the temple.
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- いどう (Move) みなみ (South)
- いどう (Move) みなみ (South)
- いどう (Move) ひがし (East)
- みる (Look) かきね (Hedge)
- とる (Pick up) たいまつ (Torch)
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
Donbe returns with a torch and heads inside the temple, but it suddenly flickers out. He hears a voice that tells him a story about the people of this temple, the Ryukujin, and how it was abandoned when the troubles began. He receives the mallet of luck.

Donbe returns to the surface, but Hikari is nowhere to be seen. He starts to cross a bridge to look for her, but a dog stops him by barking at him.
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- はなす (Talk) いぬ (Dog)
- わたす (Give) きびだんご (Dumpling)
Donbe tries speaking to the dog, but it looks like it wants something. He feeds it a dumpling and the dog suddenly speaks, and introduces himself as Ringo. The bridge is broken, but they can cross the river by boat.

The two boat shops on the lake look dangerous. The Tanuki's boat is made of mud, while Usagi's boat is made of rickety wood.
- いどう (Move) ひがし (East)
- みる (Look) ふね (Boat)
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
- はなす (Talk) うさぎ (Usagi)
- つかう (Use) たいまつ (Torch)
- いどう (Move) ひがし (East)
- いどう (Move) ひがし (East)
- つかう (Use) たいまつ (Torch)
- わたす (Give) こばん (Koban Coin)
Donbe asks Usagi to light his torch for him and returns to the Tanuki. Using the torch, he cooks the mud until it becomes a hard, seaworthy vessel. They pay the Tanuki and cross the river.

In order to sneak past the gate into the town, Donbe uses the gavel of luck to shrink to an extremely small size, allowing him to climb onto Ringo's back and ride past the guard into the town.
- はなす (Talk) りんご (Ringo)
- つかう (Use) こづち (Gavel)
- はなす (Talk) りんご (Ringo)
- いどう (Move) りんごにのる (Ride Ringo)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- はなす (Talk) まちのひと (Townsperson)
When one of the townspeople takes the gavel and shakes it, Donbe reappears - only now he is a fully grown boy! Donbe and Ringo head towards the Oni stronghold near the capital city in search of Hikari.
End of Disk 1
Switch to the second disk.
Chapter 5

Hinoesama's message said Donbe will find three sacred water shrines in the city. If he soaks his bracelet in the water shrines then he will be better prepared to face the challenges ahead. Donbe and Ringo approach the capital city. The city itself is mostly abandoned and in ruins. Donbe can't believe there are any water shrines left.
- いどう (Move) ひがし (East)
- いどう (Move) ひがし (East)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- みる (Look) いえ (House)
- とる (Pick up) なわ (Rope)
- いどう (Move) いえのそと (Outside the house)
- いどう (Move) ひがし (East)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
- はなす (Talk) きんたろう (Kintaro)

Kintaro says that Hikari was taken to the Treasury building in the north. The building is guarded from the outside by an Oni.
- いどう (Move) ひがし (East)
- いどう (Move) みなみ (South)
- いどう (Move) ひがし (East)
- あける (Open) とびら (Door)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- みる (Look) いど (Well)
- とる (Pick up) つるべ (Bucket)
- つかう (Use) うでわ (Bracelet)
- いどう (Move) any direction except みなみ (South)
- いどう (Move) any direction except みなみ (South)

The mansion turns out to be the Water Well Palace, one of the shrines. After soaking his bracelet in the bucket, Hinoesama appears before him and tells him to search the well. As soon as the message finishes, a ghost appears above the well. Donbe beats a hasty retreat.
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- はなす (Talk) りんご (Ringo)
- いどう (Move) any direction except みなみ (South)
- いどう (Move) any direction except みなみ (South)
- いどう (Move) いどのなか (Inside the well)
- いどう (Move) もどる (Back)
- いどう (Move) いどのなか (Inside the well)
- はなす (Talk) りんご (Ringo)
- いどう (Move) もどる (Back)
After getting rid of the ghost, Donbe heads into the well but it's too dark. He heads back down with Ringo and he finds a strong-smelling sachet. Donbe remembers that strong smells are a weakness of the Oni.
- いどう (Move) みなみ (South)
- いどう (Move) ひがし (East)
- みる (Look) いえ (House)
- みる (Look) いえ (House)
- みる (Look) おに (Oni)
- はなす (Talk) りんご (Ringo)
- みる (Look) じめん (Ground)
- あける (Open)
- つかう (Use) なわ (Rope)
- いどう (Move) あなのなか (Inside the hole)
- いどう (Move) あなのそと (Outside the hole)
- いどう (Move) あなのなか (Inside the hole)
- みる (Look) こおり (Ice)
- つかう (Use) うでわ (Bracelet)
- いどう (Move) あなのそと (Outside the hole)
While searching the ruins, two Oni appear, but they appear to be distracted looking for something. After they leave, Donbe finds a cold patch on the ground. Ringo finds a hatch that leads to a deep hole. Using the rope he found earlier, Donbe heads down and finds it full of ice. He leaves and then comes back later when all the ice has melted. He soaks his bracelet in the water and receives another message from Hinoesama. Now there is just one more to find.
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- つかう (Use) においぶくろ (Sachet)
- はい (Yes)
- みる (Look) おに (Oni)
- とる (Pick up) おにのふく (Oni's Clothes)
Donbe heads to the Suzaku Gate and throws the strong-smelling sachet at the Oni, causing it to disappear. Donbe acquires the Oni's Clothes.
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- つかう (Use) おにのふく (Oni's Clothes)
- はなす (Talk) ぶつぞう (Buddha Statue)
- とる (Pick up) なみだ (Tears)
- いどう (Move) おてらのそと (Outside Temple)

Inside the Buddhist Temple, Donbe tries on the Oni Clothes. The statue of Buddha suddenly begins to cry. The final drop of water soaks the bracelet. Donbe takes the clothes off and heads outside to speak to the fortune teller, who looks remarkably like Mr. Ittai.
- はなす (Talk) えきしゃ (Fortune Teller)
- はなす (Talk) えきしゃ (Fortune Teller)
- はなす (Talk) えきしゃ (Fortune Teller)
Donbe is given a Katana sword by the fortune teller. He also gives direction for inside the Treasury, where a treasure room is to the west and a room full of bronze bells is to the east.
- いどう (Move) ひがし (East)
- いどう (Move) ひがし (East)
- いどう (Move) ひがし (East)
- つかう (Use) おにのふく (Oni's Clothes)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)

Donbe dresses as an Oni once again and infiltrates the Oni stronghold in the treasury.
- いどう (Move) ひがし (East)
- つかう (Use) かなぼう (Metal rod)

He heads into the room full of bronze bells. He is about to smash them when he hears a noise. He hides behind a wall.
- Press A until your menu appears, then wait without pushing any buttons until the Oni leaves.
- つかう (Use) かなぼう (Metal rod)
- いどう (Move) くらのそと (Outside Cellar)
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
When the Oni leaves, Donbe uses all his strength to smash all the bells, destroying all the Oni in the process. He heads to the treasure room to the west and finds Hikari.

Donbe frees Hikari and together they escape from the capital city. Their next stop is the Shiraishi Fountain towards the west.
Chapter 6

Donbe, Hikari and Ringo arrive at the Mysterious Forest on their journey to the Shiraishi Fountain.
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
- とる (Pick up) ぶどう (Grapes)
- わたす (Give) ぶどう (Grapes)
- はなす (Talk) ひかり (Hikari)
- おく (Put) ぶどう (Grapes)
- いどう (Move) ひがし (East)
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
The nervous fox cub that was after the grapes doesn't take them straight away when offered, so the heroes decide to leave and return. When they do, the little fox has escaped with the grapes. Ringo picks up the scent of the fox to the west.
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
- みる (Look) ははきつね (Mother Fox)
- みる (Look) ははきつね (Mother Fox)
- とる (Pick up) みみせん (Ear plug)
- つかう (Use) みみせん (Ear plug)
- はなす (Talk) ははきつね (Mother Fox)
- はなす (Talk) こぎつね (Fox Cub)
- いどう (Move) こやのそと (Outside Cabin)

The mother fox was grateful for you giving the grapes to her cub and offers Donbe and Hikari ear plugs that will allow them to understand the language of the animals. The mother fox tells them that they must find Jano and Kosuzume.
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- いどう (Move) ひがし (East)
- いどう (Move) ひがし (East)
- はなす (Talk) き (Tree)
- とる (Pick up) はんばあがあ (Hamburger)

With the ear plugs, the heroes can even understand the strange tree when it starts talking to them. It says to find Kosuzume they will need to get past the snake. To help them, the tree gives them a huge hamburger.
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
- みる (Look) くさ (Grass)
- みる (Look) くさ (Grass)
- はなす (Talk) へび (Snake)
- はなす (Talk) へび (Snake)
- はなす (Talk) へび (Snake)
- わたす (Give) はんばあがあ (Hamburger)
- はなす (Talk) へび (Snake)
- はなす (Talk) へび (Snake)
- つかう (Use) かたな (Katana)
- はなす (Talk) へび (Snake)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)

The snake that was hiding in the grass refuses to let Donbe and Hikari travel north. After feeding it the hamburger it still refuses, so Donbe threatens it with his Katana. It finally leaves, telling them than Jano can be found at the top of a large stone wall. The heroes notice animal tracks heading north, and so they follow them.
- はなす (Talk) りんご (Ringo)
- みる (Look) き (Tree)
- はなす (Talk) ひかり (Hikari)
- いどう (Move) きにのぼる (Climb Tree)
- みる (Look) くさ (Grass)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- みる (Look) くさ (Grass)
A seed hits Ringo on the head, thrown from somewhere in the forest. Donbe sees something in the tree and climbs up, then he sees something moving in the grass, so Hikari checks that. A monkey appears from the trees. His name is Matsunosuke, and he offers to be their guide.
- いどう (Move) ひがし (East)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- はなす (Talk) まつのすけ (Matsunosuke)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- みる (Look) き (Tree)
- とる (Pick up) つる (Vine)
- つかう (Use) つる (Vine)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- はなす (Talk) まつのすけ (Matsunosuke)

They find the rock wall and throw a vine up, which catches on to something. Matsunosuke disappears up the wall, complaining but he comes back drunk. An opening in the rock wall appears and they enter.
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- はなす (Talk) じゃのう (Jano)
- いどう (Move) みなみ (South)
Jano, a large sparrow refuses to say anything for as long as his son, Kosuzume, is missing.
- いどう (Move) みなみ (South)
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
- みる (Look) き (Tree)
- つかう (Use) かたな (Katana)
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
- はなす (Talk) こすずめ (Kosuzume)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- はなす (Talk) こすずめ (Kosuzume)

Donbe uses his Katana to open a new pathway in the forest, where they find a tiny sparrow, Kosuzume. When Hikari offers to carry him in her sleeve, he comes along.
- いどう (Move) ひがし (East)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- わたす (Give) こすずめ (Kosuzume)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- はなす (Talk) じゃのう (Jano)
- はなす (Talk) こすずめ (Kosuzume)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- はなす (Talk) じゃのう (Jano)
With Jano and his son Kosuzume reunited, he is still wary about sharing what he knows. But as soon as Jano sees Hikari's necklace he asks her if she is Princess Oto. He gives her a torch and a vine to take on their journey to the Shiraishi Fountain, as he now knows their mission is of utmost importance.
Chapter 7

The party arrives at a location where the Shiraishi Fountain should be, but there doesn't appear to be anything around. It is getting dark, so they shelter under a cherry blossom tree.
- いどう (Move)
- はなす (Talk) ひかり (Hikari)
- みる (Look) さくら (Cherry Blossom)
- はなす (Talk) ひかり (Hikari)
- はなす (Talk) ひかり (Hikari)
- いどう (Move) any direction – choose quickly

A sudden thunderstorm appears and the tree is struck by lightning, destroying it and revealing an underground cavern.
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- はなす (Talk) りんご (Ringo)
- みる (Look) さくら (Cherry Blossom)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- いどう (Move) あなのなか (Inside the hole)
Ringo says there is the smell of water coming from inside the hole. Donbe and Matsunosuke head inside.
- いどう (Move) おく (Inside)
- いどう (Move) おく (Inside)
- いどう (Move) おく (Inside)
The floor caves in behind Donbe, and Matsunosuke falls into a hole.
- みる (Look) いしのはしら (Stone Pillar)
- つかう (Use) つる (Vine)
- とる (Pick up) つる (Vine)
- いどう (Move) おく (Inside)
- いどう (Move) おく (Inside)
- いどう (Move) わたる (Cross)
- いどう (Move) おく (Inside)
- つかう (Use) うでわ (Bracelet)
- つかう (Use) うでわ (Bracelet)
The underground river was moving too fast for Donbe to control with his bracelet, but is starts to flash and causes such a splash that it puts out the torch.
- いどう (Move) いりぐち (Entrance)
- みる (Look) いしのはしら (Stone Pillar)
- つかう (Use) つる (Vine)
- いどう (Move) わたる (Cross)
- とる (Pick up) つる (Vine)
- いどう (Move) いりぐち (Entrance)
A mysterious crack has appeared in the wall with light emnating from behind it. They can't do anything with it now so they keep moving.
- いどう (Move) いりぐち (Entrance)
- つかう (Use) つる (Vine)
- いどう (Move) あなのなか (Inside the hole)
- とる (Pick up) きのこ (Mushroom)
- つかう (Use) きのこ (Mushroom)
- みる (Look) いけ (Pond)
- はなす (Talk) さぶろう (Sabaro)
- はなす (Talk) さぶろう (Sabaro)
- はなす (Talk) さぶろう (Sabaro)
- はなす (Talk) さぶろう (Sabaro)
- いどう (Move) のぼる (Climb) - don't select any other options

Inside the hole where Matsunosuke fell, Donbe finds some glowing mushrooms. He throws one into the lake beneath and Sabaro the ghost catfish appears. Donbe asks if this is the Shiraishi Fountain and Sabaro says it is, and he will tell him more if he throws him more mushrooms. Donbe continues to talk without throwing mushrooms into the lake and Sabaro gets mad and causes an earthquake. Donbe escapes out of the hole.
- いどう (Move) おく (Inside)
- いどう (Move) かべのむこう (Towards Opening)

The crack had opened, revealing a beautiful shrine - the real Shiraishi Fountain. Inside, a giant pheasant descends on them, forcing Donbe to escape. They explain what they saw to Hikari, and everybody comes down to investigate.
As soon as the giant pheasant sees Hikari, he changes. He introduces himself as Ohana, guardian of the fountain. He says he will come with the group, and with that they dive into the fountain water.
Chapter 8

As they plunge through the waters of the fountain, Donbe suddenly remembers something from his past. He remembers that it was he who made the mistake of opening the box that contained the Avatar of Darkness, in a past life.
Ohana arrives facing Onigashima, the island where the final confrontation will take place.
- はなす (Talk) おはな (Ohana)
- はなす (Talk) おはな (Ohana)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)

On the island they can see a long road with a building being guarded by Oni at the top. Donbe begins to formulate a plan.
- はなす (Talk) ひかり (Hikari)
- はなす (Talk) ひかり (Hikari)
- おはな (Ohana)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- みる (Look) くびかざり (Necklace)
- みる (Look) くびかざり (Necklace)
- わたす (Give) くびかざり (Necklace)
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
Donbe agrees to take Ohana with him, while Hikari gives him sacred water from her necklace. Donbe runs north and creates a distraction, luring the Oni away from the building. His ruse is too good, and he becomes cornered on a cliff edge.
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- いどう (Move) きた (North)
- みる (Look) いわ (Rock)
- はなす (Talk) まつのすけ (Matsunosuke)
- つかう (Use) くびかざり (Necklace)

Hikari heads for the building, but it turns out to be a large rock. Matsunosuke jumps on top of it and removes the sacred rope, which causes hundreds of souls to come spilling out of it. Two souls stop and reveal themselves to be Hikari's parents. They tell her that the box she is looking for is hidden inside. Unable to find a way to open it, Hikari remembers her necklace. The door opens and they head inside.
- いどう (Move) いわのなか (Inside Rock)
- はなす (Talk)
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
- いどう (Move) にし (West)
Ringo sniffs out the location of the box, and digs around when he catches scent of it. Hikari retrieves the box.
- ひとかえる (Change Character)

Meanwhile, Donbe is cornered by the Oni on the cliff edge.
- はなす (Talk) おはな (Ohana)
- いどう (Move) にげる (Escape)
- いどう (Move) any direction
- いどう (Move) any direction
- いどう (Move) any direction
- いどう (Move) any direction
Donbe leaps from the cliff edge onto Ohana's back. The two of them fly away, leaving the Oni behind.

Suddenly, they fly right into the path of the Avatar of Darkness.
- いどう (Move) ちかづく (Approach)
- When Donbe is shown with a halo and you are asked おしてみる? (push?) don't push any of your buttons

Donbe leaps into the dragon's mouth and wakes up inside.
- つかう (Use) みやみず (Sacred Water)
- いどう (Move) おく (Inside)
- みる (Look)
- つかう (Use) かたな (Katana)
Donbe comes across the Dragon Ball, the life force of the dragon. If he can remove it then the dragon will die. As soon as Donbe draws his sword against it, however, a swarm of evil souls begins to attack him.
- たたかう (Fight)
- つかう (Use) かたな (Katana)
- とる (Pick up) りゅうのたま (Dragon's Orb)

After beating the evil souls, Donbe cut the Dragon Ball from the dragon and took it.
The dragon's body begins to crumble, and Donbe falls from the giant skeleton in mid-air. Ohana is injured and unable to catch him, but suddenly the Tengu (from Chapter 3) appears and carries Donbe back to safety. Donbe and Hikari return the Dragon Ball to the box and seal the lid. The dragon skeleton plummets from the sky and lands in the valley.
Chapter 9

The heroes prepare to leave Onigashima when there is a massive earthquake. The dragon's skeleton is still alive. Donbe jumps on to its head and holds on with all his strength, but he is going to fall.
- つかう (Use) かたな (Katana)
Donbe sticks his katana into the dragon's skull and holds on to it.
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- はなす (Talk) おはな (Ohana)
- いどう (Move)
- いどう (Move)
- つかう (Use) くびかざり (Necklace)
Hikari uses the necklace to speak to Hinoesama, who agrees to use her strength to bring an end to the dragon.
- ひとかえる (Change Character)
- いどう (Move)
Donbe leaps out of the way just as a lightning strike hits the sword embedded in the dragon's skull. The dragon is totally destroyed and Donbe lands safely on the recovered Ohana's back.
Donbe and Hikari discuss what happens next. Hikari decides she will return to the Dragon Palace and continue her role as Princess Oto, watching over the box. Donbe says he can't come with her.
Behind them, Onigashima crumbles into nothing.
Hikari, Kintaro and Mr. Ittai return to the Dragon Palace, while Donbe says goodbye to Ringo, Matsunosuke and Ohana and then heads back home to his parents, alive and well.
The End
Congratulations, you have completed Famicom Fairytales: New Onigashima