Nintober 2017

123 Ashley & Red

Ashley & Red art by Fryguy64 © 2017

At first glance, Ashley may look like an ordinary little girl, but in reality she is a magic-wielding witch-in-training with a love of all things gruesome and macabre. From the comfort of her haunted mansion, she cooks up spells and summons creatures from the underworld to carry out her bidding. And when one of her brilliant spells go awry, it's up to her impish assistant Red to clean up the mess (or face Ashley's fury!)

Related Games

  • WarioWare: Touched! (2004, Nintendo DS)
  • Game & Wario (2013, Wii U)

124 Gold Bone

Gold Bone art by Fryguy64 © 2017

The fearsome (and shiny) leader of the Gold Bone Gang, and captain of the battleship Goldie VII. Declaring himself the supreme ruler of the StreetPass Galaxy, Gold Bone and his bumbling skeletal crew slinks from planet to planet, pillaging whatever treasure they can get their bony hands on. Will you and your brave allies in the Mii Force stand a chance against Gold Bone's ultimate weapon: The Robo-Bone?

Related Games

  • Mii Force / StreetPass Squad (2013, Nintendo 3DS)

125 Kloak

Kloak art by Fryguy64 © 2017

A Kremling spirit that endlessly wanders the swamps of Crocodile Isle. As if being dead wasn't enough to deal with, Kloak is cursed to haunt a smelly, green pirate coat – although the ruffled sleeves are considered the very height of nautical fashion. Floating just out of reach, Kloak greets Diddy & Dixie Kong with its signature cackle, before hurling a barrage of barrels, beetles, and… Bonus Barrels? How very kind!

Related Games

  • Donkey Kong Country 2 (1995, Super NES)

126 Orne

Orne art by Fryguy64 © 2017

A terrifying spectre, formed from pure malice and regret. Once it detects your life force, it begins a relentless pursuit, followed by a creepy 8-bit theme tune. If it catches you, it only takes one touch to break your mind and cause instant death. The only way to stop it is with the Arrow of Light. Your best bet for survival? Run away, as fast as you can!

Related Games

  • Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012, Nintendo 3DS)

127 Dead C-Serpent

Dead C-Serpent art by Fryguy64 © 2017

Long ago, Mike Jones defeated the gigantic C-Serpent deep in the caves of C-Island. Many years passed and Mike returned to C-Island to restore the mysterious power of the Tetrads. Passing through the caves once again, Mike stumbled across the bones of the C-Serpent. It sprang to life, reanimated by the alien Zoda. Writhing in the stagnant water, and belching a ghostly flame, the creature was a much more fearsome foe.

Related Games

  • Zoda's Revenge: StarTropics II (1994, NES)

128 Viruses

Viruses art by Fryguy64 © 2017

Do you feel cold? Full of mucous? Does every muscle in your body ache? It's entirely possible you are riddled with these mischievous little monsters. Barely visible to the naked eye, the viruses multiply at incredible rates. The only cure is to take a course of colour-coordinated Megavitamins prescribed by Dr. Mario. It's said that his brother, Dr. Luigi, specialises in three other species of virus…

Related Games

  • Dr. Mario (1990, NES)
  • Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (2003, Game Boy Advance)

129 Phantump & Trevenant

Phantump & Trevenant art by Fryguy64 © 2017

The Stump Pokémon Phantump is said to be the spirit of a child who got lost wandering the forest. The leaves on its head are collected for powerful medicines. Phantump evolves into the horrifying Elder Tree Pokémon, Trevenant. It may look imposing, but so long as you respect the forest, it will leave you be. But if it catches you cutting down trees, it will cast Forest's Curse on you so you can never leave again. His bark is worse than his bite.

Related Games

  • Pokémon X & Y (2013, Nintendo 3DS)
  • Pokémon Sun & Moon (2016, Nintendo 3DS)

130 Ghoston

Ghoston art by Fryguy64 © 2017

A robot reprogrammed by Dr. Ivan Walnuts for desert combat. Its outer shell resembles a skeleton, and the four energy balls that orbit its body give it a ghostly aura. Ghoston can independently control the energy balls to form limbs, shields, a tail… anything really! It can slither across the sand with a Skull Dance, fire off a long distance Soul Shot, or flip you high into the air with its Ghoston Throw. A formidable fighter indeed!

Related Games

  • Joy Mech Fight (1993, NES)

131 Sabasa

Sabasa art by Fryguy64 © 2017

This witchy guardian of Pumpkin Zone was given one of the six Golden Coins that Wario used to seal Mario's castle. Mario had to cross through her legions of ghouls and yokai, eventually arriving at her witchy abode. She blasted the hero with fire spells, causing the lids of her cauldrons to fire into the spike-lined ceiling. Mario, thinking fast, concocted an ingenious solution to bring down the witch… He stomped on her head!

Related Games

  • Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (1992, Game Boy)

132 Vulcain

Vulcain art by Fryguy64 © 2017

It takes a special kind of mad genius to forge a 100-foot-tall bioweapon in the heart of a dwarf star, but Andross was up to the challenge. Vulcain's genetic code modifies itself to take on the properties of its environment, so it's likely Vulcain was transferred to Solar by Andross and cultivated there. This demonic beast is as comfortable swimming in 3,500K magma as it is swatting pesky Arwings out of the air with its twin scythe limbs.

Related Games

  • Star Fox 64 / Lylat Wars (1997, Nintendo 64)
  • Star Fox 64 3D (2011, Nintendo 3DS)

133 Star Dream

Star Dream art by Fryguy64 © 2017

President Haltmann rebuilt the wish-granting Mother Computer using ancient blueprints and forgotten technology. Over time, it took control of Haltmann and used his mega-corporation to harvest planets for raw materials. Going by the name Star Dream, the conscious computer broke free of Haltmann and revealed its ultimate calculation… to eradicate all organic life in the universe! It took off into space, with Kirby (and his Robobot) in hot pursuit.

Related Games

  • Kirby: Planet Robobot (2016, Nintendo 3DS)

134 Yūrei

Yūrei art by Fryguy64 © 2017

When you arrive at Crescent Moon Village, get inside quickly! Wander the streets after dark and you're likely to have your hard-earned cash pickpocketed by this giant pirate ghost. It swoops through the foggy streets, cackling at its victims. As Wario made a hasty retreat from the village with Keyser before the time bomb went off, Yūrei appeared out of the mist to snatch up the key creature for itself. Give it back, you fool!

Related Games

  • Wario Land 4 (2001, Game Boy Advance)

135 Yokuba (Fassad)

Yokuba (Fassad) art by Fryguy64 © 2017

A high commander in the Pigmask Army. Yokuba introduced Happy Boxes into the homes of Tazmily Village, corrupting them into accepting their cruel invaders. His penchant for littering banana skins led to his downfall at the Thunder Tower – literally! He returned, cybernetically enhanced by the Chimera project, blasting an awful tune from his surgically implanted horns. It is rumoured that many years ago he betrayed the Magypsies and disappeared.

Related Games

  • Mother 3 (2005, Game Boy Advance)

136 Mimikyu

Mimikyu art by Fryguy64 © 2017

What a cute little Pikachu! Wait a second… That's the Disguise Pokémon Mimikyu! This lonely little Pokémon disguises itself as Pikachu to try and make friends, but anyone who has looked upon its true form have been terrified to death! If Mimikyu takes damage in battle, the neck of the Pikachu snaps backward, and an eerie black mist emnates from tears in the costume. Mimikyu will stay up all night to repair the damage.

Related Games

  • Pokémon Sun & Moon (2016, Nintendo 3DS)
  • Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon (2017, Nintendo 3DS)

137 Stalnox

Stalnox art by Fryguy64 © 2017

It's bad enough waking a living Hinox, but when the skeletal corpse of the gargantuan cyclops is walking around, you're in for quite a fight. After all, how do you face a foe that can snap off its own ribcage to use as a weapon? Even if you do manage to bring it down, it will keep getting back up until you destroy the eyeball. Only then can you rest easy knowing the Stalnox is defeated forever.

…Hey, is that a Blood Moon rising?

Related Games

  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017, Switch)

138 Wingo

Wingo art by Fryguy64 © 2017

Ready for Adventure? Not if this gigantic crow has anything to say about it! Toad and Toadette had picked up a shiny Star when Wingo appeared to claim the Star for itself… and took Toadette along for the ride! Wingo's impressive wingspan can whip up a hurricane, and it uses magic to teleport short distances. The best way to deal with an avian troublemaker of this magnitude? Hurl turnips at it, of course!

Related Games

  • Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (2014, Wii U)

139 Mort

Mort art by Fryguy64 © 2017

In the shoebox under Jenny Sanderson's bed lives the most gruesome of all the toys. Mort may look like a mindless monster, but his spring-loaded heart belongs to the beautiful Princess Pitts. He wants to ask her on a date, but every flower he picks immediately dies. He has very little self-confidence due to being… a scary mummy. And he's incredibly grumpy when he's trying to sleep. Perhaps he's dreaming of coming to the princess's rescue? But that'll never happen… right?

Related Games

  • Chibi-Robo! (2005, Gamecube)

140 Onox

Onox art by Fryguy64 © 2017

The tyrannical General Onox abducted Din, the Oracle of Seasons, and cast the seasons in Holodrum into chaos. He appears as a powerful knight in golden armor, wielding a ball & chain. After Link freed Din, Onox revealed his true form: a demonic dark dragon summoned by Koume & Kotake. By trying to bring about a world of darkness, Onox reignited the Flame of Destruction, paving the way for the return of Ganon.

Related Games

  • The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (2001, Game Boy Color)

141 Veran

Veran art by Fryguy64 © 2017

The Sorceress of Shadows took control of Nayru, the Oracle of Time, and opened portals to the past. In her new body, she was able to convince Queen Ambi to build the Black Tower, bringing misery to all the people of Labrynna. Link used Mystery Seeds to extract her soul from Nayru's body, revealing her true demon form. As Veran lost grip of her metamorphosis, she transformed into monstrous beetle, bee and spider forms.

Related Games

  • The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages (2001, Game Boy Color)

142 Sandygast & Palossand

Sandygast & Palossand art by Fryguy64 © 2017

The Sand Heap Pokémon Sandygast is born of a sand mount built by a child, haunted by the grudges of the departed. Putting your hand in its mouth gives it power over your mind. It will force you to add more sand to its body, building it into the mighty Sand Castle Pokémon Palossand. Its power to curse now stronger than ever, Palossand will drain your vitality. Buried beneath it are the bones of its previous victims.

Related Games

  • Pokémon Sun & Moon (2016, Nintendo 3DS)

143 Black Paint Bowser

Black Paint Bowser art by Fryguy64 © 2017

Keen to give his shell a fresh look, Bowser dived into the rainbow paint fountain on Prism Island, inadvertently mixing the colours together to create Black Paint. Coated from head to toe, Bowser was imbued with dark power. He ordered his Koopa Troops to remove the Big Paint Stars and begin draining all colour from the island. But is Bowser really the mastermind of this plan? Or is he the vessel through which the paint carries out its own wishes?

Related Games

  • Paper Mario: Color Splash (2016, Wii U)

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