Nintendo All-Stars: Marth


Marth art by Fryguy64 © 2004

Long ago, Medeus, king of the Manaketes (a race of people who could transform into terrible dragons) ruled the world with an iron fist. Villages were destroyed in his wake, many were killed, and the Dolhr Empire was founded. The surviving priests pleaded with the Gods for help. Their calls were heard, and a sword and shield forged from the fires of the Gods were bestowed upon the priests. Only one could wield the Falchion sword and the shield of the Fire Emblem, and it was the brave yet humble Anri. With the Falchion aiding him, and the Fire Emblems defending him, he was able to slay the evil Medeus. He helped rebuild the ruins for the people, and founded his own city of Altea.

Anri died, and while he left the Falchion and the empty Emblem to his Altean descendents, he handed the gems of the Fire Emblem to the neighbouring cities which he had helped to save. This could have been the end of the story were it not for an evil plot to revive Medeus a century later. Taking control of his land of Dolhr, Medeus began to spread his evil empire across the land, pillaging and murdering anyone who stood in his way. The kingdom of Altea was cast into ruin, the good king Cornelius was killed, and his son, Marth, escaped into exile on the island of Talis with the remnants of the Altean army.

Aged only fourteen at the time, Marth had only been able to escape thanks to the sacrifice of his sister, Elice, who was now in the hands of the enemy. Nevertheless, the blood of a legendary hero flowed in Marth's veins, and he was forced into action when Garda pirates attacked Talis island. Fighting off the pirates, the army travelled across the Devil's Mountain until it reached Aurelis. The rulers of Aurelis were fighting against their Imperial occupiers, and Marth's army aided them in battle to reclaim the city. After clearing the castle and rescuing princess Nina of Archanea, Marth was entrusted the Fire Emblem of the Archanean people.

The army, now larger and stronger with the forces of Aurelis behind them, moved south towards the great Pales Castle. There he commanded his army in a battle to rescue the peoples of Archanea from their invaders, gaining friends and weapons along the way. He moved on to the kingdom of Gra, betrayers of his father. The evil wizard Gharnef had been working his magic there, and had escaped with the Falchion Sword to the land of sorcery in Khadein. Sadly, Gharnef was protected by a Maph spell that could only be broken with Starlight magic, and for that Marth had to assemble the Star and Light emblems. He marched into the Altean castle and defeated the evil Manakete known as Morzas. With his second Emblem Marth travelled to Macedon where a magician named Gotoh could create the Starlight magic used to defeat Gharnef.

Arriving via. a magical pathway, Marth and his army faced Gharnef in the Temple of Thebes. With the Starlight magic in his hands he was able to cast Gharnef and his magical clones down, and take back the Falchion sword. He also found his sister Elice, who Gharnef had been holding hostage. With the completed Fire Emblem and the Falchion Sword in his hands, not to mention a massive army behind him, Marth travelled to the Manakete country of Dolhr. They fought their way through the villain's army and Marth finally faced Medeus. Just an old man at first, Medeus transformed into the Dark Dragon, and attacked. The Falchion, and Marth, were too powerful for Medeus, and Marth successfully slayed the hideous beast. With a crash the Dolhrn empire was defeated.

Marth dedicated his days to rebuilding the great kingdoms, and returned to rule over Altea, handing the emblems and the Falchion back to their original homes. For five years he was king of the noble country and was left in peace. However, stories came through that Hardin, one of Marth's former allies, had become ruler of the continent of Archanea, and his penalties to those countries that had allied themselves with the Manaketes had turned to pillage and conquest. Disturbed by these new developments, Marth gathered a small force and travelled to Grunia to investigate.

It was worse than he expected. Many of his friends were fleeing, and some had been killed by the invading armies. Marth travelled to the castle of Macedon where he met with Linda, who handed him the Fire Emblem she had been keeping safe. The gems in the emblem had been stolen mysteriously, however, and Marth would have to find them to reforge the shield. Marth found the first of the gems on Dragon's Mountain, and suspected they had simply been scattered about the continent. He travelled to Grunia to meet with a former ally, Sheeda, who could lead him to General Lang.

Lang was holding on to two of the orbs, and was being defended by Navaare, friend of Marth. However, after a brief fight, Navaare reveals that he is actually an imposter known as Samuto. He is cast aside and General Lang is defeated once and for all. With a new friend, Wendel, in tow, the army travelled across the Soulful Bridge to the land of Kahdin. There he fought in a great battle against bandits and an invading army. He also discovers the truth behind Hardin's actions on the wall of a temple - he has been possessed by Medeus's evil spirit, which still resides in a secret shrine in the country of Dolhr. This is no comfort to Marth when he is attacked by Hardin and his army... and the evil wizard Gharnef!

Aiming to reforge the Fire Emblem and reclaim the Falchion (once again held by Gharnef), Marth would have to follow the path taken by his ancestor, Anri. Crossing a volcano, Marth had to do battle with nomadic axemen, as well as ancient dragons who had travelled there to die. Another gem was found in the heart of the volcano, so Marth forgave the wily Chainey who directed him on this dangerous path. Chainey met with Marth again at the frozen gates of the Northern Wastelands. There Gato awaited, ready to reforge the Fire Emblem gems for Marth.

Returning to Altea, Marth discovers that Hardin has conquered the land in the time he's been away. Rumour had spread that Marth had turned evil and allied himself with dangerous rogues. Evil priests had taken control of the castle, and it was being ransacked by thieves. His army attacked any intruders, casting away the evil priests and trapping the thieves, one of which had stolen a gem from the Fire Emblem. Marth travelled to Gra which had befallen a similar fate, and joined by some old allies, he travelled through a secret passage to Hardin's fortress in Bares.

A battle ensued with Marth's armies outnumbered by Hardin's. All hope seemed to be lost when Marth recognised the attacking pattern. He cast the Starlight magic and Hardin was suddenly powerless. He had been using the Maph spell used by Gharnef all those years ago. Weakened, the dark emperor fell and cried out with his last breath for forgiveness, as it was Medeus who controlled him to regain power. Hardin dropped the final piece of the Fire Emblem and died. With the Fire Emblem reforged, it was up to Marth to fight Gharnef for the Falchion and face the real Medeus deep in the heart of Dolhr.

Marth's army travelled into Dolhr where the Altar of the Dragon Tier was said to be. Indeed the great tower was there, and teeming with evil warriors. Gharnef appeared on the second level of the altar, and attacked ferociously. This foolish act showed he did not know Marth once again held the Starlight magic, and with a flash the evil wizard was defeated. Marth reclaimed the Falchion and went onwards towards the battle with the reborn Medeus.

The battle against Medeus was a difficult one. He was surrounded by dark priestesses, who worked for him only to protect their loved ones. He was also guarded by three Earth Dragons. The Fire Emblem cast a mysterious power over the Earth dragons that made them flee, allowing Marth's allies to rescue the priestesses. Marth faced the true form of Medeus in a terrifying battle of power. Marth's power of light, however, was enough to throw down Medeus's power of darkness, and with a slash of the Falchion Medeus was destroyed forever.

Marth returned to Altea where he once again tried to rebuild the world Medeus had ruined twice. This time there would be no return for the dark dragon, and so Marth was able to rule in peace for the rest of his days.

Posted by Fryguy64 on 24 November 2004. Marth art © 2004 Fryguy64.


  • Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light (NES)
  • Fire Emblem: Monshō no Nazo (Super NES)

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