Nintendo All-Stars: Pit


Pit art by Fryguy64 © 2004

The world is split by a balance of light and darkness, and governing this balance are two goddesses, Palutena and Medusa. While Palutena governs the overworld in the sky, Medusa lives in the underworld below. Both goddesses had an army of loyal subjects who would fight their cause, but it was Medusa, consumed with hate, who struck first. Palutena's army fell in defeat and were imprisoned in the underworld while Medusa's evil army conquered the overworld.

One of Palutena's highest ranking guards was the young Icarus known as Pit. Having been spared and thrown into a cell, Pit was secretly released by Palutena using her magic. It was up to Pit to climb through the underworld, onto the Earth and into the overworld, collecting three sacred treasures that he could use to defeat Medusa. Armed with a weak bow and his weakened wings, Pit began the ascent.

Tired from climbing and battling monsters every step of the way, Pit was still able to recover the treasures from some of Medusa's strongest henchmen. In a final battle against Medusa, Pit was able to destroy the monstrous form she had taken, and reclaim the land in the name of Palutena.

However, it wasn't long before Palutena felt stirrings of another uprising from Medusa's armies, and Pit was once again dispatched to recover the three sacred relics and quash the revolution before it came. Able to do so, Pit was awarded the highest rank possible in the army of light.

Posted by Fryguy64 on 27 June 2004. Pit art © 2004 Fryguy64.


  • Kid Icarus (NES)
  • Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters (Game Boy)

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