Nintendo All-Stars: Tamagon


Tamagon art by Fryguy64 © 2004

The hero of "Devil World" is a small green dragon named Tamagon. While only a newly hatched dragon, Tamagon found himself lost in the caves of Devil World. In this mysterious world of demons the Devil was master. He ordered everything, from the creation of new monsters to the grinding of intruders within the walls.

How Tamagon came to be lost in this evil realm is not known, but not long after hatching Tamagon soon realized that by holding a crucifix he could blow fire and destroy the source of the Devil's magic power - the Boa Boa dots. If he held a Bible he could use it to shut down the monster-making machines and force the Devil to flee that area. Tamagon, with his newfound powers, vowed to chase the Devil out of Devil World for good.

As Tamagon's fight went on, he faced tougher minions and tougher mazes. The Devil's vicious monsters, Medaman, Co-Devil and Bon-Bon, were no match for Tamagon's fire, even though they could pass through walls like ghosts. Even when Tamagon would fall victim to a monster or a wall, he would reappear again, hatched from a brand new egg. Eventually the Devil had no choice but to leave Devil World forever.

Posted by Fryguy64 on 27 June 2004. Tamagon art © 2004 Fryguy64.


  • Devil World (NES)

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