Nintendo All-Stars: Muddy

Muddy Profile (Series 1)

Muddy art by Fryguy64 © 2004

Returning home from a day of digging holes, Muddy finds that his family is not at home. An elderly mole sneaks out of the undergrowth and informs Muddy that the local groundskeeper, Jinbe, captured his children and his wife and ran off with them. Furious, Muddy set off to save his loved ones.

Jinbe, however, had set this up as a trap to try and get all the moles off his land. Hoards of his lackeys were searching for Muddy high and low over the land, but as Muddy was a mole he was able to hide himself under the ground, and bypass a number of fences and barriers. As he progressed the traps became more dangerous, and he had to push around bombs and collect cabbages.

For each of Jinbe's lackeys that Muddy defeated in battle, one of Muddy's children was released. Jinbe was the final confrontation, and by duly defeating the gruff man, Muddy was able to save his darling wife and return home with his children.

Posted by Fryguy64 on 27 June 2004. Muddy art © 2004 Fryguy64.


  • Mole Mania (Game Boy)

Muddy Profile (Series 2)

Muddy art by Fryguy64 © 2007

Muddy is a humble mole, living in the country with his wife, Maggie, and seven children. He led a peaceful life until the day Jinbe the farmer kidnapped his loved ones, leaving behind a note. An elderly mole witnessed the event, and gave guidance to Muddy when he returned.

Muddy's skills as a mole came in useful: he could dig tunnels below the ground to find his way through insurmountable obstacles, and use his strength to hurl rocks and cabbages around to defend himself.

His children had been separated and were being held in the seven regions of Jinbe Land. Muddy fought his way through each region's traps and pitfalls, breaking down the walls that stood between him and his family. Each region was guarded by one of Jinbe's huge henchmen, but Muddy was able to outwit them and rescue his children.

With all of his children helping him, Muddy was able to gain access to the final region of Jinbe Land, where the farmer was holding Maggie. All of Jinbe's henchmen returned to defend their master, but Muddy made it through to Jinbe himself. Muddy had no chance against the farmer, so he took out the walls of Jinbe's lair, and rescued Maggie before the building collapsed.

Muddy and Maggie took their children back home, and life returned to normal for the mole family.

Posted by Fryguy64 on 18 November 2007. Muddy art © 2007 Fryguy64.


  • Mole Mania (Game Boy)

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