Nintendo All-Stars: Popo


Popo art by Fryguy64 © 2004

A professional mountain climber, Popo (and his partner, Nana) had climbed nearly all of the mountains in the world. When they were faced with a new challenge that required the climbing of some dangerous mountainsides the two were willing to help.

The vegetable crop from a local village had been pillaged by a huge, red condor. It perched on some of the tallest mountains, and the villagers were unable to reclaim their food stores.

The Ice Climbers armed themselves with mallets that could be used to chip away ice and defend themselves from the creatures that lived on the slopes. Bit by bit they chipped away the ice above them, and scrambling ever upwards. Creatures did indeed try to stop them - Nitpickers would swoop at them, and Topis would block up they gaps they had created. An unusual polar bear would also appear, forcing them to hurry up, or fall into the abyss below them.

Once they reached the top of the mountain they found a lot of food hidden in crevices. They scrambled up the mountain, grabbing as much as they could, before trying to catch hold of the condor.

The condor had made its home in many mountains, however, so Popo and Nana had to work together to climb them all and collect as much food as they could carry.

Suffice to say, the villagers were pleased with their recovered stock.

Posted by Fryguy64 on 4 October 2004. Popo art © 2004 Fryguy64.


  • Ice Climber (NES)

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