Nintendo All-Stars: Mr. Stevenson


Mr. Stevenson art by Fryguy64 © 2004

When Mr. Stevenson retired from the FBI, he set up his own Private Detective agency. However, without the full force of the law behind him he soon made many enemies. It was well known that Stevenson had a daughter, Jennifer, and he was always nervous that the fact would prove tempting to some of his less savoury opponents.

His fears proved to be true. Returning to his office he found a note pinned to his desk. King Dom, the biggest and baddest mobster in town, had kidnapped Jennifer. His ransom was no less than the five Black Panther diamonds that had been lost. Stevenson knew where they might be found, so he set off to claim them.

Stevenson travelled across the highway and into the desert where he knew the first Black Panther diamond would be. He was set upon by birds and tumbling rocks, but made it back onto the highway alive. The Black Panther diamond had been left beside the road where he stood. Pocketing it, he ran ahead to the elevator tower that would take him onto the pathway across the city's rooftops. No less perilous than before, he was again set upon by birds and even low flying aircraft. He stepped across the clouds until he saw it on top of a tall tower - the second Black Panther was his for the taking. A nearby phone rang and he answered it. "You'll receive a letter from an islander named, Adamosde!" Stevenson carried on until he could climb back down to ground level.

At a lighthouse by the ocean, Stevenson saw where he had to go - across the sea. Without much room to move, he was attacked by birds and sea creatures. Sitting on a solitary island amongst some deadly spitting seabed dwellers was the third Black Panther diamond. He snagged it and made it to Adamosde's island. There he was given a letter from King Dom. They were to meet in the Zulie's Jungle.

The jungle was unforgiving. Rhinos, alligators, creepy crawlies of all shapes and sizes were out in force. Stevenson had to keep his wits about him as he crept over the rocky ground. As he crossed a bright red swamp (home to a particularly hungry alligator) he saw the fourth Black Panther. No sooner was he out when an oddly-placed phonebox could be heard. Inside was another message - and a machine gun.

As he crept across the ground he could hear the ringing of the last Black Panther, but the ground was shaking hard. Then out of the ground erupted the terrifying monster, Zulie! Shooting at its one eye with his machine gun, and dodging its terrible fire breath, Mr. Stevenson finally destroyed the beast. As it exploded, the Black Panther dropped from somewhere on its person. Mr. Stevenson stepped up to the cave behind where Zulie lay, and inside it was lit. Behind a desk sat King Dom, and he pointed a gun at Stevenson. Suddenly, a gunshot from somewhere took Dom by surprise and he dropped his gun. As Stevenson had suspected - he had been followed by a mysterious marksman all along. And thanks to that marksman his daughter was now safe, and the Black Panther diamonds could be returned.

Posted by Fryguy64 on 30 September 2004. Mr. Stevenson art © 2004 Fryguy64.


  • Gumshoe (NES)

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